Would anyone affected by the ptsb tracker issue be prepared to talk to a journalist?

Brendan Burgess

When ptsb announce formally announce the results of the review and when the Central Bank announces the fine they impose on ptsb, it would be a great help to illustrate the story with a case study.

I am worried that ptsb will reject a lot of cases and will simply not notify people who they consider not to be affected e.g. if they had switched to a different lender.

Most newspaper readers will read personal stories about refunds but might skip over a "dry" analysis piece which I might write.

So if there are any volunteers to speak to a newspaper, open a Private Conversation with me or email me at brendan at this website.

I have had 4 requests this morning from radio and newspapers looking for subjects.

If you want to express your views on this, start a conversation with me.
