Worst programme on TV

Totally agree that Rachel Allen's put on accent is one of the most annoying things on TV. Bar None.

I think she is originally from Walkinstown!
Has to be the Toy Show last friday. Could only watch about half of it, it was excruciating. I can't imagine the various toy manufacturers are too impressed with the way their products were shown off as generally not working or being fumbled around the place by Pat. Painful TV.
Yep - as an adult, I was looking forward to it also.... its was really bad though ... even our child thought it was crap! He made a balls of it.
I thought Brendan O'Connor's quip that the only remote control that was working on Friday night was the one for Pat Kenny, was quite good!
Wife swap has to be one of the worst. Can't imagine why people are prepared to be publically humiliated and at times vilified by appearing on that show.
Gerry Springer has to be the worst programme ever. I had to sit thru an episode of this while in a waiting room at the dentist yesterday. my god it caused me so much pain to watch. caused me more pain than the filing. Just before I was called a man got up and plugged tv out.
Anything with "Reality" in the title.
Anything with X / celebrity / talent / snotty backbiting judges.

And yes, Rachel Allen's accent - as in "put in the ah-ven for 20 minutes"
I cringe when I see Eastenders on - I can't understand why it is so popular. "What chu lookin at?", miserable faces, what seems like far too many points of high drama, ridiculous misunderstandings, etc. I used to watch Coronation Street when I was younger - at least that had a bit of humour in it.

(It's come in for a lot of rubbishing here but I adore Dancing on Ice - ice skating is really tough and I love seeing the progress each week going from stumbling to doing all sorts of back flips).
Reality TV shows, British soaps (and Irish ones), X-Factor type shows. Day time TV shows aimed at stupid women where a studio of dim-wits moan about life all hosted by a opinionated host.
Would have to agree with the Rachel Allen accent thing....I never know if she is saying butter or batter.

It's a pity that her accent is so annoying as I like her programme apart from that.
I dont know about worst but I have to say that I've found myself watching Columbo in recent weeks (Sunday afternoon RTE) and I still thoroughly enjoy it.

Isn't there a Columbo where he doesn't actually get enough evidence to convict the culprit or was that a figment of my imagination ?
Isn't there a Columbo where he doesn't actually get enough evidence to convict the culprit or was that a figment of my imagination ?

Sure he never seems to have enough evidence - until the last minute when he's about to leave and he goes "Oh there's just one thing..."

You probably just missed the end of the episode Teabag
Sure he never seems to have enough evidence - until the last minute when he's about to leave and he goes "Oh there's just one thing..."

You probably just missed the end of the episode Teabag

Nope, it was this episode:
[broken link removed]

"The unusual feature of this Columbo thriller is that it's the only one I can think of where he chooses not to nail the killer at the end (she's gradually losing her marbles and dying of an aneurysm)."

Is there anything Google does not know ?
Day time TV shows aimed at stupid women where a studio of dim-wits moan about life all hosted by a opinionated host.

The Oprah Winfrey show. In recent years she seems to have turned into a parody of herself. And watching her show is like groundhog day - same continous never ending self opinioned rubbish.

I remember the days when Oprah was prenounced "Opera", then she got all pretenious and changed it to "Ope-Raw". Bit like Mrs Bucket (Mrs Boo-Kay) on that UK sit-com.