Worms for a Wormey



Hi all,

Does anybody know where I can get a "starter" pack of worms for a wormey I created for home. Looking in the Dublin/West Dublin area. UK websites are available but was on looking for something closer to home.


google found this one [broken link removed]

Marion :hat

You could start the "worm farm" slowly by adding not too much compost at once.The "brandlings/tigerworms " -the ones that have yellow stripes-are true composters.They live only in small numbers in the top layer of ordinary soil.
Provided that your lot is not brand new i.e.has some natural growth on it they are already there.All you have to do is to provide them with optimum conditions.Shelter against birds,mice ,rats,drought,frost,excessive heat etc..The easiest way achieving this is to build a "New Zealand box/bin". That is a simple 1 cubic meter box without a bottom but with lid.Put some chicken wire mesh-the smallest gauge-on the undisturbed soil(mice,rats) and secure it to the sides about 1 foot above soil level.Feed and wait.To make them more comfortable you could cover the compost directly with a piece of corrugated cardboard before you close the lid-that will keep the moisture and the heat inside.Don't forget to water it (!) before you go on a summer holiday.
It worked for ages in my gardens.

Are you sure that you really NEED to acquire or buy worms somewhere? I got a cheap compost bin from the Corpo (as they were in the olden days) a few years ago and chucked kitchen scraps, grass cuttings, fallen leaves etc. into it and the worms seemed to appear from nowhere (well from the open patch of soil on which the bin sits) and multiplied rapidly. Ditto for all the other critters (woodlice etc.) that help break the stuff down into compost. I often collect handfuls of earthworms that congregate at the top of the bin and drop them back into the compost or else into the garden.

[broken link removed]