World Cup Group Ranking


Registered User
I am writing an Excel macro but I need someone to clarify my understanding of the method used by FIFA for the team ranking in a World Cup group.

Below is an excerpt from the FIFA website.

The ranking of each team in each group will be determined as follows:
a) greatest number of points obtained in all group matches;
b) goal difference in all group matches;
c) greatest number of goals scored in all group matches.

If two or more teams are equal on the basis of the above three criteria, their
rankings will be determined as follows:
d) greatest number of points obtained in the group matches between the
teams concerned;
e) goal difference resulting from the group matches between the teams
f) greater number of goals scored in all group matches between the teams
g) drawing of lots by the FIFA Organising Committee.

The ranking of teams in a group determined by criteria a) to c) is fine; however I am not 100% certain of the implementation of d) to g). I think it means that the points, goal difference and goals scored are determined for just the teams that are equal based on criteria a) to c).

Examples of my understanding below:

Two Teams Equal: The winner in the match between the two teams in question is ranked higher based on criteria d). Criteria e) to g) are not required. If the match was drawn, then the higher ranked team is based on criteria g). Criteria d) to f) are not required. This could happen between teams finishing 1st and 2nd and also 2nd and 3rd in the group.

Three Teams Equal: This is like a mini group of three teams. Their ranking is based on criteria d) to f). If this does not resolve their group positions, then it is determined by criteria g). This could happen between teams finishing 1st 2nd and 3rd and also 2nd 3rd and 4th in the group.

Four Teams Equal: The ranking is determined by criteria g).

Thanks for you help.