Working with state pension


Registered User
Hi all,

I am hoping someone can help me with advice for my mother. She is 66 years. She is in receipt of a state pension as is my father. My father is a farmer and sells sheds, maybe two a month. My mother knits jumpers for the family and has recently been asked to knit a few items for the weekly farmers market. The committee of the farmers market take a note of her stock, take 10 % of her takings and pay her the balance by cheque each month. I imagine the amount of stock she would be selling on a weekly basis would be very small. I just wondered does she need to register for tax or as self-employed and if so would this affect her pension and would it have any affect on my fathers pension or business?

Any guidance would be really welcome.
If your mother has a Contributory Pension in her own right (ie. is not a dependent on your father's pension) any extra income has nil effect on her pension. Same situation for your father.

As she is over 65 their tax exemption is €36,000. So if the combined income from all sources (2 pensions his and hers, sheds and knitting) is below €36,000 they will not be taxable

They should keep records