Obviously the calculator makes certain assumptions about the individual's circumstances and entitlement to credits etc.Weekly take home pay. (Single)
Selected Tax year is 2007
Gross Take Home Pay = € 807.6923
Tax = € 126.15385
Take Home Pay after Tax = € 681.53845
Less PRSI = € 43.381535
Net take home pay = € 638.1569
Yearly take home pay. (Single)
Selected Tax year is 2007
Gross Take Home Pay = € 42000.0
Tax = € 6560.0
Take Home Pay after Tax = € 35440.0
Less PRSI = € 2255.8398
Net take home pay = € 33184.16
What happened that it didn't work? Do you have Java installed? The latest version?
The calculator gives me these results:
Obviously the calculator makes certain assumptions about the individual's circumstances and entitlement to credits etc.