Work Life Balance Homepage


Would anyone like to have a look at this [broken link removed] and review its contents here?

It looks pretty crap to me, to be honest. The home page is a laundry list of government departments, committees, etc.:


Welcome to the Irish Work Life Balance website. Work Life Balance consists of the implementation of working arrangements and policies which assist workers in combining employment with other aspects of their lives. Employers can benefit from these policies too as they can help to develop a more committed and productive workforce.

The website is hosted by the National Framework Committee for Work Life Balance Policies. The Committee was established under the Programme for Prosperity and Fairness and continues under our current National Agreement, Sustaining Progress. It is chaired by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment and its membership is made up of representatives from: -

The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment
The Department of the Taoiseach
The Department of Finanace
The Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform
The Department of Social and Family Affairs
The Equality Authority

etc etc.

Who cares about these departments and committees? We want work life balance, goddammit!

Why do you want it reviewed? It looks like something that was put out to tender by the relevant govt. department and somebody just ticked all the boxes and put the client's name all over the page.
I suppose I was trying to start some discussion on the topic of Work Life Balance rather than the homepage of the site itself.

Have you drilled down into some of the pages? I found some of them interesting enough.

I have to agree with you that the home page is a bit Stalanist in its look and feel.

This is pretty much irrelevant for most people in the SME sector or who are self employed. It has semi-state and public sector written all over it.
I don't really see what it covers that the OASIS and DETE websites don't cover already. To many employees (especially private sector) statutory rights in this area coupled with whatever additional rights their contract of employment gives them is what matters. In many cases actually availing of statutory rights (e.g. unpaid parental leave by fathers/mothers etc.) can be an academic issue in practice due to various factors. I'd love to take my entitlements in this area but reckon that the chances of actually being able to do so are pretty slim... :(
One multi-national I worked for had a work life balance policy and implemented various things which were supposed to make it easier for employees to manage the balance between work and private life. It was ultimately managed by the Wellness Manager in the States and by the time it filtered through to our much smaller Irish office a lot of things had gone. It did lead to some practical things like the company contacting various shops etc. in the area and arranging for example, for a laundry and dry cleaning company to come and pick up and deliver washing, special rates with a local cleaning company for those who wanted to employ a cleaner at home etc.