Wordpress website - looking for help to manage blogposts


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I help to manage a website, which operates on Wordpress.

I am trying to understand and manage the blog posts.

I am an amateur at these matters.

What I want is the word Blog in the navigation menu, and if that is clicked, I want a list of blog posts to appear, with author/date/tags, etc.

At the moment, a normal Page is used to display the text of the blogposts, and when time passes, and another blogpost is to be added, new text is simply added above the existing text on that Page.

So the list of blogposts is really just blocks of text.

The Add Posts feature is not used.

I have looked at some video tutorials, and I am learning more.

I have gone into Settings>Reading, and I think I understand the static pages.

There is a static Posts page, okay, and I can see that Page in the list of Pages.

But how are new blogposts added to that Page?

Why don't you add your new blogs as posts? That's where they are supposed to go. You can then put in categories, dates etc (my web guy did all this for me).
Use a plugin that produces an archive and then stick the code into a page called Archive or Previous Posts.
I have played around with Add posts

There are four posts in there, of which two are classified as published.

How do I get them to appear on website?
I have played around with Add posts

There are four posts in there, of which two are classified as published.

How do I get them to appear on website?

It could be a multitude of reasons. The theme set up might have influence. What theme are you using?
Easiest way is as I said... install a plugin that will create an archive page.

You put 'Blog' on your menu (if it's the top) by creating a menu and adding the archive page. You can rename the archive page as 'Blog'.