Woops, sorry about that, as global economy hit by software patch

Ceist Beag

Registered User
Is the incident today yet another sign of globalisation and how one incident can have a major impact? Aside from the question of how on earth a cyber security company can release an update without seemingly fully testing it along with the question of how on earth such a release can be pushed out globally in one go rather than incrementally, it just shows how dependent we are on an ever decreasing number of players. This cannot be a good thing.
Why would you push it out incremantally? To do that you'd be asking some poor sod of a client/country to be the guinea pig for all releases.

It's a simple fix, the delay was on getting to understanding it and releasing the fix and the time it just takes to get all that pushed out so people don't have to go and delete the offending file themselves. (and maybe do more harm).

But someone, somewhere in Crowdstrike is having a really bad day and updating their CV, if they can log in of course !
Why would you push it out incremantally? To do that you'd be asking some poor sod of a client/country to be the guinea pig for all releases.
Not at all. For one thing, releasing something during the night in the US because it is quiet time ignores the fact it is the middle of the day in Australia! An incremental release is the prudent approach unless you have 100% bullet proof release checks in place, which clearly was not the case here.
To do that you'd be asking some poor sod of a client/country to be the guinea pig for all releases.
No, you'd ask various business clients to be the lab rats for some releases and different clients to be guinea pigs for others.
The whole scheduling of updates over a longer period of time really is moot when talking about a component that regularly received multiple updates within a day as it profiles evolving threats.