Woodlice in the house


Registered User
I live in a 11 year old housing estate that has wooden fences that are starting to rot, so there are an abundance of woodlice in the garden. In the past year woodlice have been coming into the ground floor through the front and back door. The problem was very bad last summer, where I would kill or find about 5 dead each day in the house. I have woodlice killing white powder at the door entrances, which seems to kill them. However, I think they are crawling in through the air vents, windows, etc as well.
I'm worried they may be doing some damage to the house as well as being a nuisance.
Has anyone else had this problem? Any advice?
AFAIK "woodlice" themselves are harmless to sound wood, they only feed on wood which is decayed so they pose no danger to your house and are only a nuisance as such.
If the woodlice are coming from the rotting fence then you might want to replace it. As above they don't do any harm unless you have rotting wood in the structure of the house - in which case the woodlice themselves are the least of your problem! If there are any holes in the base of the outside walls through which they may be gaining access then plug them (not the vents!). If there is other debris under which they might be accumulating near the house then remove it.
Thanks for your advice. I had cracks on the exterior base of the house and I plugged these last year with cement. I will go over them again shortly in case I missed any.