Wooden floors


Registered User
Does anyone know if it would be unreasoanble to ask the builder to put in solid wood floors, ie floorboards upstairs in house, insead of plywood, if so what would be a reasonable price to get him to do this for. its a new house and only building shell of house at moment?

I know it could be done at a later stage, know what would cost then but wonder if it would be cheaper to get builder to do this when building the house?
When I was building house the cost putting in red deal floors upstairs and doors and archatrave was included in the price. When it came to puttin in floors down stairs though if i was getting something different he gave me an allowance towards it but would not lay it but did advice to talk to the chippy and see if he would be interested in doing it on his own time.
getting chippy to do this in his own time wont be the only expense, the actual work the builder will have to do will be delayed due to this, the floor will have to go in before the doors , skirting etc and will take much longer than what builder is using, I dont want to wait until the builder is finished as will have to remove doors, skirting, built in wardrobes, etc again to do floor, but dont think we can do this work ourselves before we own the house?

PS husband is chippy, so getting someone else in to do this isn't an option, its builder or himself;)

PPS its not a one off build, its a new house on development.