Wood Pellet Storage unit


Registered User
Just came accross a company called ' Titan Environmental ' part of Kingspan Group and they have a moulded plast unit for storing wood pellets, anyone come accross them or bought one ? Would be interested to hear any reports.


I rang them last thursday, sales rep was out of office and was to ring me on monday (yesterday) so i wait a few more days to see if he replys, i'll post any info i get.
Thanks, would have thought that with the big sales pitch on the burner/ boilers that there would be a lot of interest in storge tanks. Apparently not ???????

Hopefully they will get back to you
I presume you can burn wood pellets in traditional wood burning stoves? Where in Dublin can I pick up a bag or two to try them out?
rang titan this afternoon rep out of country. Got talking to a girl in the office who gave me more info, at the minute they have a master 380 which holds 1/4 ton of pellets, also a master 800 which holds 1/2 ton of pellets. They are developing a 1.75 ton storage tank which should be available in the next few months, she didn't know prices but is posting me out a brouchure, hope this helps a bit.
Wood Pellets have to be kept 100% dry in storage or they dont burn efficiently
rang titan this afternoon rep out of country. Got talking to a girl in the office who gave me more info, at the minute they have a master 380 which holds 1/4 ton of pellets, also a master 800 which holds 1/2 ton of pellets. They are developing a 1.75 ton storage tank which should be available in the next few months, she didn't know prices but is posting me out a brouchure, hope this helps a bit.

.... not much good when the delivery co's. min delivery is 2-3 ton
Wood Pellets have to be kept 100% dry in storage or they dont burn efficiently
I havent seen any leaflet on this product so I'm just wondering how storing wood pellets in a plastic tank will keep pellets 100% dry. My understanding is that when the pellets are delivered they will have a certain moisture content. The air inside the tank will have a certain amount of moisture.

When the moisture contained within a very airtight room touches the colder window it condenses and runs to the window cill.

Is there a mechanisms in these plastic tanks to prevent this from happening?
Does anybody have a copy of their leaflet? My friend has asked me to make him a store. I thought this was a reasonable idea
Meathman, have a look [broken link removed] at Balcas recommendations for self-built pellet store.
Article in The Sunday Times yesterday.

European shortage of sawdust as countries are keeping their own supplies for the domestic market
Only one company in Ireland producing the stuff (in Fermanagh)

Big demand because the grant of €4,200 is too big!

Advice is to try and maintain your existing oil oe ESB system as supplies are limited bewtween now and January.

The company only has two trucks to service the whole country and are specially air conditioned! Cost €200,000 each

Reckoned still though that at current low oil prices, the saving is still 50%
Is there a shortage of pellets?
Are pellets bought in bags 20kg much dearer than bilk delivery? Is this because its more expensive to bag or is it just because those who are selling bags are making a bigger profit?
Can all pellets be used in all boilers or is the pellet composition critical?
Yes there is a shortage of pellets, and not just in Ireland.

Bagged pellets are dearer than bulk, yes, as there is a cost attached to bagging. I've also heard that Balcas sends its pellets to Cork to be bagged, incurring significant transportation costs, but don't know if this is actually true.

As to whether all pellets can be used in all boilers, I'd say so - but as there doesn't appear to be any meaningful regulation of this market (e.g. no enforceable standards in Ireland as to pellet moisture and ash content) it's hard to be sure.