Women's Christmas. Correct Title

Lex Foutish

Registered User
Growing up in Cork, I seem to recall that Jan. 6th was referred to as either Women's Christmas or Little Christmas.

Now, on the radio, I hear it referred to as Women's Little Christmas. Does anyone here know what the correct title is?
The 12th day of Christmas is the Epiphany, sometimes known as Little Christmas.
In some cultures its a big feast and some Christmas present are held back until today.

There is an Irish custom of Womans Christmas or "Nollaig na Mna" on the Epiphany. the women of the house get the day off andf the men do the housework. Google Nollaig na Mna for more info.

BTW, in answer ot the OP, if you are a Christian, the only correct title is presumably the Epiphany.
I have to say that I have never heard of Jan-06 being referred to as Nollaig na mna or Women's Christmas

Must be a very country tradition -ie - the back-of-beyond
Growing up in Cork, I seem to recall that Jan. 6th was referred to as either Women's Christmas or Little Christmas.

Now, on the radio, I hear it referred to as Women's Little Christmas. Does anyone here know what the correct title is?

strange, growing up in Cork where I was it was always called womens little Christmas,
My god, what a sexist phrase!
That said in my house every day is women’s Christmas as I do most of the housework and all of the cooking.
Growing up we called it little Christmas. It was another big dinner (always goose) occasion. No presents though!

We called it little christmas. My mother always lit the 3 candles on the windows that night and she tried to get us to eat the last of the christmas cake.
In dwarf land its known as little womens Christmas
My god, what a sexist phrase!
That said in my house every day is women’s Christmas as I do most of the housework and all of the cooking.

Lol!!! I'm trying to picture the scene in your house right now, Purple...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eM8Ss28zjcE&feature=fvst

Back on topic, my grandmother's generation mostly referred to it as Little Christmas. An important night and, after that, it was game over, with regard to Christmas, till next time round.

I'd never wear that outfit when I crossdress and I've no facial hair. Other than that it was like looking in a mirror.
Women's Christmas in my neck of the woods also - men do all the work for the day including cooking the dinner (in my Dad's day another goose or turkey complete with trimmings!) and cleaning up.

Today it was my son's turn - and very nice it was too!

We always had it that it was bad luck to leave the decorations up after the 6th, so had to be down before midnight.
Nollaig na nBan marked the end of Christmas in our house when I was growing up. The family sat down to a non-frenzied meal (goose or turkey) adn I always remember it as a better meal than on the day itself! No distractions, quality conversations, better appreciation of the food being presented. since my mum died, I miss it more than I thought.

I think the marketing people are missing an opportunity here! Imagine, another 'Mother's Day' of cards, flowers, food, drink, events!