Withholding Tax - Foreign Deposits

Is Class K not for politicians/public office holders, judges etc?
Yes, but it also applies to most people with earnings at class A, B, or D. They will be class K on bank interest.
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In theory if revenue deduct the prsi on foot of a form 11 there is nothing stopping someone from applying for a rebate from social welfare if under the €5K limit.
I’m unclear on this. Can you expand on how you see this operating and who you see it applying to please? Also, what €5,000 limit are you referring to.
I'm kind of miffed I missed the BFF offer on Raisin with no withholding tax.

Trying to get a letter of residence from revenue, you'd swear I was trying to correspond with the pope.

Plus the revenue office locally no longer has a reception desk.

This might be coming a bit late but may serve you for the next time. Its dead easy to get a letter of residence from Revenue directly or download it if you are registered for 'My Account' on the Revenue website. Hope this helps.
I'm beginning to feel like that other poster that felt this DTA is really potentially more hassle than it may be worth?
It is if the WHT is more than the 15% (max) you can offset against the 33% Irish DIRT and you want to reclaim it. Hope you have the language skills to communicate with the country you'll be claiming it from! Best to stick with the investments that don't deduct WHT as you'll only have the Irish DIRT to contend with.