Wispas-What to do with a box?

So anyone up for a box of wispas then?

48 bars, bbf date 10-/2010 and I swear no added cyanide.
Nobody has yet asked the screamingly obvious then - what the hell is Vanilla doing with a full box of Wispas anyway ?!

Fell of the back of a lorry I suppose?

I dunno, and you a solicitor...
Nobody has yet asked the screamingly obvious then - what the hell is Vanilla doing with a full box of Wispas anyway ?!

Fell of the back of a lorry I suppose?

I dunno, and you a solicitor...

Payment for a bit of legal work done for some Irish property developer...............?
Payment for a bit of legal work done for some Irish property developer...............?

Hmmmm what would they pay for some accountancy work I wonder ......Ah I have it, 2 pints of Beamish in d' valley mmmmmmm

no no no I have it, a 3 course in d' captains table and, shure it's only a shtone's throw from d' ca-the-de-ral ( only Lex would get that one )

PS Lex it's Friday night, why are you not out doing pana ???

Very Enterprising, Graham! (And only you'll get that one! )

And Finbarr or Dolly pulling the pint!

(No Town tonight, Graham. Too much good golf on Sky......)
Have you noticed the desecration of the sacred site (Beamish Brewery) across the river from there? I passed today and there were huge cranes in there, dismantling the big storage tanks.

No wonder I couldn't face the world tonight!
Maybe they are shipping them off to south america to set up a local cerveza plant or something as happened with the IFI plant ! then again maybe they converting the tanks into Ladas or something.

Thinks, anyone got brewing expertise and a few acres ? hmmm ...
They'll take the brewery tanks in the Scouts? Big change from my day, TK Red was all we got
Yesterday was one of the sunniest days of the year and you were sitting in on AAM wondering what became of some wispas??
Yesterday was one of the sunniest days of the year and you were sitting in on AAM wondering what became of some wispas??

How do you know dmos87 wasn't lying on their yacht, moored off kinsale, mind wandering, then decided to ask via their mobile broadband enabled ipod touch?

Anyway, ashamed to admit the box of wispas is still sitting in a cool press in the utility.
Anyway, ashamed to admit the box of wispas is still sitting in a cool press in the utility.

You should be ashamed, that's as egregious a waste of valuable food stuff as we ever saw under the Celtic Tiger years. I'd rather see a mountain of grain go to waste than see once once of chocolate wasted. I don't know how you sleep at night.
You should be ashamed, that's as egregious a waste of valuable food stuff as we ever saw under the Celtic Tiger years. I'd rather see a mountain of grain go to waste than see once once of chocolate wasted. I don't know how you sleep at night.

LOL. I have strange self-control when it comes to unopened boxes. However, once opened I feel a box of chocolates is fair game.
Believe me a box of whispas would last less than a week in my house between my 2 kids., the neighbours 2 kids and me
How do you know dmos87 wasn't lying on their yacht, moored off kinsale, mind wandering, then decided to ask via their mobile broadband enabled ipod touch?

Quite odd that you say this but strangely enough I was out on a rib for that evening