Wiring - where's the best place to source material


Registered User
I'm getting some wiring done and have an electricain lined up to do the job. We've agreed on a price for labour and I'm going to supply the material. The electrician has given me a list of what he needs.

Where's the best place on the southside (of Dublin) to source this?
Hi extopia,

He's from Donegal so he's not familiar with suppliers (I should have said that in my original post:eek: ... sorry)
I'd fax or email the list to four or five electrical wholesalers (look in the yellow pages) and ask for a quote. Make sure they each know they'll be competing against each other. Good luck.
Try Eurosales in Sandyford Industrial Estate. They also have a place in Ringsend just behind the library.
(I've not relationship with Eurosales but I know some electricians who get their supplies there.)