Wireless Router - Sitecom


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Anyone have any experience using these wireless routers? Bought a new laptop and this router. Laptop is "connected" to the router but the gateway is down as unreachable. I've disconnected the usb cable between the ntl modem & my pc. I've stopped and started the modem/router/laptop, but no joy. Anyone else have these problems?
Whilst not having used that router, can you access the setup/config/status page on the router and see if is acquiring an IP address? It sounds like its not.
bypass the router, put your laptop directly through the NTL modem, open a dos prompt and run ipconfig, and you'll see the ip. Disconnect, plug your router into the modem, conncet wirelessly to the router and if the router is set up right the router should then acquire the same ip address, AFAIR NTL have an addess like 83.XX.XX.XX or similar.
note: If you run ipconfig on a dos prompt while connected wirelessly you should only be getting an address like 192.168.1.XX which is your internal network ip assigned from the router.
let us know
Grand stuff - I'll try this out. One thing I need to know. When I type ipconfig in dos, the screen flicks out the info and then it dissapears. How do I set it up that I've enough time to read the info?
Worked out how to stall the IP Config on the screen;

When I've got the Modem connected to the PC the ipconfig gives me the following;

Subnet Mask
Default Gateway

When I've got the Modem connected to the Laptop the ipconfig gives me the following;

IP Address
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway

When I have the Modem connected to the Wireless Router and go to the link the basic settings are as follows;

WANS MAC Address 00-13-02-04-9C - E7

It's got Dynamic IP - the gateway is always down as unreachable.
Noticed that when I downloaded AVG's antivirus software - went to update the software - the following message came up;

An error occured when trying to connect to the server. The server name cannet be converted to the IP address.

Not sure if this has anything to do with my problem.........

Got it working. All to do with shutting everything down in order and starting up likewise. Cheers.