Wireless broadband router - difference between providers?


Registered User
I currently use an BT ESAT provided wireless modem which I'm finding doesn't provide a strong enough signal to use wireless upstairs. I thought it might be posible to get a stronger modem that would strengthen the signal but BT tell me they only have one type.

Is this reasonable? Would I be better moving to Eircom? I notice I can get an Eircom signal from the guy next door's modem.

Any advice appreciated.
What sort of house? Is it old or otherwise very solidly constructed? Any chance there is a concrete floor upstairs (e.g. like a split level unit in an apartment block)? It could simply be that the structure is blocking/attenuating the signal and no router will be able to do any better. You should not have to change broadband provider. I would not necessarily assume that the router and its signal strength is the problem. Have you tried moving the router around downstairs and doing an informal site survey (e.g. walk around the house with a laptop and observe how the signal stength waxes and wanes)? You can always buy your own wireless router to replace the ISP provided one. Ideally you should try a a few out on eval/loan if at all possible before buying. But this is not always a practical option for many people.

You don't need to stay with the modem provided to you by BT or Eircom etc, i picked up a Linksys modem in "PCWorld" today with a PCMCIA WLAN card for 50euros, check pcworld.ie.

I personaly prefare my own modem/router to the "things" they issue you plus its nicer looking, also you can add an external antennea to this to improve the signal if not enough.
Thanks for the replies.

The house is an old standard type house. The only concrete wall s that which separates me from the house next door. The orony is that i an pick up his eircom signal better than I can my own BT ESAT signal. Not being a techis, I can only conclude that this is related to either the strenght of the modem or the nature of the service BT provide relative to Eircom.

If ESAT say they can't provide me with a stronger (which from the replies given seems to be an option that would make a difference) I can ether switch to eircom (who seem to provide stronger modems) or buy a stronger one myself.

Is this a reasonable prognosis?
I can ether switch to eircom (who seem to provide stronger modems) or buy a stronger one myself.

Is this a reasonable prognosis?
Yes. Buying our own would seem like a better/less hassle option to me. Linksys models (e.g. WRT54G or similar) are generally reliable and easy to configure but there are many options out there. Ideally if you can evaluate and return if not satisfied that would be good but that's not always an option. Maybe Argos and their 16 day exchange policy (if it applies to routers) would help? It could always transpire that any router will have similar problems due to some quirk of your house (e.g. any chance there is foil backed ceiling boards between down and upstairs that could be significantly attenuating the signal)?
This is good food for thought. I'll check out the various considerations raised.

many thanks.