WinXP network query


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We have a wireless network at home, to which 3 PCs are defined; 1 desktop and 2 laptops. All 3 devices are running WinXP (Home).

The sub-folders in Shared Documents are open to all, except not really. On each, I have set the folder attributes in Properties to open access, to that PC's Shared Documents sub-folders, to all devices on the network.

The problem is the Desktop. It can 'see' and write to Shared Documents on the other 2 PCs. They can 'see' and write to each other. However, they can only 'see' the sub-folders in Shared Documents on the Desktop, (i.e. they can see what files are in each folder) but can't access them to copy or move across the network.

I spend time trying to sort this out and sometimes it works OK. Then after the next re-boot, the Desktop reverts to it's previous state and denies access from the other 2 PCs.

Any suggestions (besides changing the PC and/or OS !) as to how I can get the configuration to stick ? Would there be any point in deleting the workgroup & sharing set-up and start again ?

Haven't used this set up myself on home network, but just wondering if there is a setting within the XP firewall that gets re-activated after the reboot so as to remove the access you previously set up?

You are changing both the "Sharing" & "Security" under properties options?

I'll have a play around with it over the weekend (laptop / desktop sharing over wireless) and will let you know if I can get that working...
This may be bound up with users permissions and the fact that not all users are administrators.
Tarfhead - my apologies - didn't get a chance to run through this over the weekend... you still seeing the issues?