Winter Wonderland


Registered User
I know the snow/ice/cold is tough on everyone and some more than others but you have to acknowledge the unbelievable winter wonderland beauty around us these days. I am simply taken aback every day with some of the stunning views and sights whether its the frosty trees or the frozen lakes or the crisp full moon nights, or the sunsets/sunrises on the white landscape, the birds at your feet, the spider webs, the icicles etc etc..

Soak it in while you can. It's nice to have a white Christmas and I dont think we will see this extreme a December for a long time.

(Edit: Check out the Irish Independent site for stunning pictures too.)
It's beautiful!

I had lots of stalactites yesterday on my car.

(Luckily, I will not be around for the slush and dirt that follows when the thaw arrives. :))

It was really strange a few days ago when the there was a brief thaw ,to see green again!
Wonder how /if we could put up some of the best photos..
The views are breathtaking!!