Windscreens smashed


Registered User
Woke up saturday morning to find the front windscreens of 2 cars in my driveway smashed, there were 2 other cars smashed in the apartment complex behind me. The windscreens were just shattered so it was just vandalism not someone looking to rob a radio etc. just wondering was anyone else's car smashed, i live in dublin 15 area.
No thankfully - I live in Dub 15 too - Whereabouts are you?
Did you report it the the Gardai? Did they mention if it was an isolated incident or part of a spate of such incidents?
Yes i reported it to the gardai they were so unhelpful were not even able to tell me if it was an isolated incident as according to the guard i spoke to 'i wouldn't know i was off for the last few days'. Only that the guy from the windscreen company who repaired my cars said that he had two more to fix in the apartment complex beside me. I walked around and saw that they were both damaged in exactly the same manner. I did ask the guard had they been reported again he didn't know doesn't exactly inspire confidence in the force

A similar thing happened in an area very close by last year - wing mirrors kicked off, sunroofs kicked in, roofs trampled down (brand new 5 series). Gardai did nothing - my suspisions that it was the crowd coming from a 21st in a near by pub.
that's interesting i have seen a number of car windows smashed in the apartment complex nearby quite recently. I doubt that even if these are reported to the gardai they are logged onto the pulse system hence the crime figures are down and it looks like they fighting crime.
I doubt that even if these are reported to the gardai they are logged onto the pulse system hence the crime figures are down and it looks like they fighting crime.
Is this just a hunch that you have or do you have any evidence to support this claim?

A similar thing happened in an area very close by last year - wing mirrors kicked off, sunroofs kicked in, roofs trampled down (brand new 5 series). Gardai did nothing
Other than logging the incident what did you expect them to do? Door to door enquiries? Taking foot print casts from the roof of the car...
my purse was robbed about 5 years ago reported it etc. laser card used straight away, reported it to the guards and followed it up as i needed a letter from guards for a refund from bank, 3 times i called to the station told me it had never been logged never received the letter after 2 more calls.
Is this just a hunch that you have or do you have any evidence to support this claim?

Other than logging the incident what did you expect them to do? Door to door enquiries? Taking foot print casts from the roof of the car...

Excuse me? I expect them to keep the peace! Thats what their job is.

In fairness I don't think that it was too much work to find out who did it. Its called community policing, go down to the local pub, find out who was there, have a chat with a few people I think that they would find out very quickly who was responsible.

So what do YOU expect? You expect someone to have to lay down and let their property be vandalised? That's a great way to go about tacking anti social behaviour.

I assume that you've heard of the broken window theory coz that's what you are advocating by suggesting that the gardai do nothing!?
Is this just a hunch that you have or do you have any evidence to support this claim?

Other than logging the incident what did you expect them to do? Door to door enquiries? Taking foot print casts from the roof of the car...

Even if there is something, they can do, they would not care, they are just useless only good for getting your document stamped etc

My bike was stolen from basement parking and gardi caught them when they were trying to steel other bike same night, let them go, did not recover my bike, REASON they admitted to damaging parking gate, trying to steel second bike but did not admit that they stole my bike, which means some ghost came before them and stole my bike without damaging parking gate
Even if there is something, they can do, they would not care, they are just useless only good for getting your document stamped etc
Totally disagree based on my own experience with them in similar circumstances. I have generally found that they respond in a timely fashion (whether on foot of a call to 999/112 or one to the local station) and I have generally found them professional and helpful.
witnessed a mugging in a carpark last year, both victim and myself knew the identity of the mugger (not by name, but knew him to see and where he lived) - rang guards, no one showed up. rang again, no record of first call. eventually a full week later victim phoned again and was told that if he wanted he could come and give statement. if there had been a timely response the guards could have probably caught the kid responsible in possession of the victims wallet or cards perhaps - they definitely would have had a full description from me and the victim.

i generally have the impression if its something they would have a hard time prosecuting they tend to not bother.
Can't say I've been overly impressed with any contact I'e had with the guards. In fact I've have more negative experiences than positive. They are very understaffed and under resourced. But still.
Off the topic but in my local town there was act of vandalism outside a public house, it was advertised in the local paper asking the person who did it to come forward and apologise and if possible repair the damage.
Person came forward the following day, hadn't remembered a thing due to alcohol consumption until he seen the picture and situation was resolved.

Take a few pictures, put them up in the pub - some one always knows something!
In fairness though, not all the Gardai are bad. But think of the people you went to school with who ended up joining the Gardai. That thought never inspires me with confidence.
Do the guards not take fingerprints?

I remember a good few years ago, someone tried to break into a friend's house in the UK. Police took fingerprints and caught the culprits.
Do the guards not take fingerprints?

I remember a good few years ago, someone tried to break into a friend's house in the UK. Police took fingerprints and caught the culprits.

I've never seen the gardai bother with fingerprinting TBH when it's a "small" crime like house break-ins or car break-ins. Doubt it would turn up much as I doubt that there would be a huge database of fingerprints to compare it to, or the manpower to bother trawling through a database for such "inconsequential" crimes.

When I lived in a city centre years ago, my car was vandalised a number of times -back window smashed in (complete with the empty vodka bottle used to smash it lying in the back seat) front windscreen broken, wing mirrors kicked off, etc. on different occasions.

My house there was also broken into, and some of my possessions I saw later discarded in an disused yard near my house (which I couldn't access due to it being surrounded with razor wire) and the guards never bothered to even attempt to gain access to the yard via the owners (an Post) to retrieve the possessions either. The thieves had also stolen my house and car keys, and had tried to steal my car from outside the house, but as it was parallel parked in a tight spot they ran out of patience and decided to leave it, so in these cases, if the guards had wanted fingerprints, they could have had them you would assume, but these crimes seem to be seen as not worthy of anything but logging for insurance purposes.

Each time I reported the various break-ins/vandalisms, I was merely met with the response -oh I suppose you need to get it logged to get your insurance to pay out then eh.

Needless to say I moved out of the city centre to a quieter area.