Windows Vista


Registered User
Anyone used it yet. Installed it yesterday and straight away had to upgrade to 2 gig of ram in order to use it. My cpu is 3.2ghz. It looks good though. I was considering putting OS Tiger on it (there is a way, somehow) but Vista looks just as good. But be warned, do the upgrade check first. Not all high spec machines seem to be compatible with it.
blacknight said:
Vista is extremely beta. I'd leave it well alone until it was officially released
Well I would do but the machine is only for personal use with no real data on it. So, it was worth doing just to see it. Plus, the beta version is free.
Clubman is right, there is no upgrade to the release version from Beta.
New install required in due course.
runner said:
Clubman is right, there is no upgrade to the release version from Beta.
New install required in due course.
Of course yeah, I'm aware of that. But its free for a year. And worth installing for free before you buy.
I won't be buying for a long time. Any OS that needs 2 gig ram to run has some efficiency issues. Not to mention the graphics card you need for it.
I haev downloaded it but have yet to install it. I'd like to do a dual boot with XP & Vista, but I've never done this before so I'd appreciate some help.

I currently have a P4, 3.4, 1GB Ram with XP Home. It has 2 hard drives set up as follows: 1x250gb Sata, partitioned into two drives - Drive C: ( 50GB) + Drive D: (200gb). The second hard drive F: is 120gb IDE (kinda slow only use it for backup.

Ideally I'd install on D: as C: is nearly full and don't want to mess with XP. Can anyone tell me the best way to do this? If necessary I can get Partiton Magic etc and create a further partition if this makes things easier.

Has anyone done it already, it is easy enough to do?
I would not install a beta OS on an otherwise live PC even on a different drive/partition unless it was on a hard drive that was to be physically swapped in/out as required!
Hey Colly

Vista comes with a boot manager so when you start your machine after fully installing you will be asked to choose Vista or previously installed version of Windows. As far as I know the boot manager only lists installs of Windows so if you have any other OS types installed they wont show.

If this is your first time installing beta software it might be an idea to have a read about betas first. Vista Beta 2 is pretty buggy (as far as I can see anyway) - I have problems setting up IMAP folders and generally strange things happening every so often.

Looks like the best feature of Vista, the new search tool, is a less featured version of MacOSs spotlight - MS plays catchup again :)