Windows error Isass.exe


Registered User
Help! Turned on the PC this morning - everything was working okay last night at midnight- and I get the following message

"Windows Virtual Memory Minimum too low.
Your system is low on virtual memory. Windows is increasing the size of your virtual memory paging file. During this process memory requests for some applications may be denied. For more information see help. Okay" On clicking okay I get the following:

"Isass.exe - Not enough Quota (Hansov cmment: - Is this a programmer being witty?)
Not enough virtual memory or paging file quota available to complete the sprecified operation. Okay"
The computer clicks off and then tries to load again. I am fairly computer literate. From the Bios page: the CPU type is Intel (R) Celeron, 2.6 Ghz/400Mh, Cache RAm 128 Kb, System Memory 640Kb Extended Memory 259584
Anybody any ideas of how to get Windows XP Home edition (Clubman is sure to ask!) to load or what could have caused the problem. Thanks
Is it Lsass.exe or Issass.exe? The former is part of Windows. The latter, I'm afraid, . If you have a virus then one way of dealing with it might be to remove the hard disk, install it an additional hard drive in another PC and then run a thorough virus/malware scan (or two, or more) in the new temporary host PC before restoring the hard disk to the original PC. Trying to clean an infected hard disk in place can be a waste of time.
Thanks Clubman - unfortunately its a 'i' rather than a 'l'. I am running AVG on the PC but, yep not running spyware or adware scans too often. Now that I think about it, I have been having a problem with the new version of AVG where one component (the update component) has not been updating and it asks for the computer to be re-started to update.

Anybody want to walk me through how to remove the hard drive, temporarily install on another PC and clean it up; or point me to a DIY link. Thanks in advance.............
The system manual for your PC make/model should explain how to remove the hard drive. Similarly the manual for whatever second PC you use should explain how to install the hard drive as an additional drive. Once you have done this your hard disk should appear as a new drive letter (e.g. D: or E: or whatever - assuming C: is the system drive) and you should then be able to scan it for malware/viruses etc. Do not run any applications or otherwise access any files on the drive though to avoid any risk of infecting the new host PC. Also make sure that all security software (e.g. virus/malward scanners, firewall etc.) is properly updated and enabled before installing the hard drive. If you don't know what you're doing at any stage then get help from somebody who does.
Thanks Clubman. This is a problem I will have to face and try to solve tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Luckily the kids computer is unaffected! h
Still haven't found the time to hop the drive out. However I did load up Windows in safe mode and ran AVG 7.5 which had been updated on that machine on December 4. It found some little problems but not isass.exe. Could it be that it is not a virus that I have and that it is an issue with the Windows file? If so anybody know what I do in this case. Thanks
Once the isass.exe problem cropped up I would not trust the machine again until that hard disk was definitely cleaned. You should do what I said above - install the hard disk in a second PC with up to date security software and scan it there.