windows cracking for no apparent reason



I have been living in my newly built house for two years, recently two windows have cracked from top to bottom for no apparent reason . These are double glazed & in both windows its the inside pane that cracked. The houses were built to a high standard by a good builder who left the estate immaculate when he finished, I cant see any signs of movement i.e. there are no cracks on any walls. Anybody know if homebond would cover replacing the windows ? or could there be a guarantee provided by the window suppliers ?
I had a problem with my upstairs windows in a new house too in that they would swell during the warm months or if I put the heating on which meant they wouldn't open so obviously if there was a fire there would be no way out of the house from upstairs. Rang homebond and was told this was outside of the Homebond guarantee and is seen as cosmetic work, homebond only covers structural problems like severe cracks etc in the house. I contacted the Window supplier and they called out and fixed them all for the paltry sum of €50, might be worth giving them a call and get them to check all your other windows too before having to pay to replace others, i'd imagine they'd replace the glass for you reasonably too.
I have senator windows in my house and one of the big windows cracked in the corner for no reason, I called them and explained and they came out and replaced it - about 5 years after installation, I just had to pay them 30 euro call out fee as apparentely the windows had a 10 year guarantee.

I had a similar problem and it was something to do with the "security clips" being too close to the glass. Anyway, supplier replaced the units (glass) FOC and it's been ok since.