Window Locks


Registered User
I live in a fairly new 2 story house which has one room downstairs nominated as a bedroom (though not used as such)

It does not have a window lock on the window - none of the bedrooms have - which I understand is a requirement (presumabbly to ensure that in the event of a fire that the windows would not be locked) All other windows in the house do have locks.

I'm looking to renew my house insurance policy. I got a better quote than my current provider on the internet. However, one condition is "All ground floor and other accessible opening windows are fitted with window locks" Where does this leave me ? Presumably if I have a break in via my downstairs "bedroom" I'm in trouble ?

Can a lock be retro fitted ?
Part B of the Building Regulations stipulate that windows required for escape (bedrooms in particular) "be secured by fastenings which are readily openable from the inside"- this I take to mean that such a window can be opened without the use of a key. Fire safety takes precedence over security- I would suggest you bring this matter to the attention of the insurer. An simple 1 line endorsement can be added to the policy and shouldn't impact on your premium for insurance. You could replace the handle very easily with a locking lever but if the room ever reverted to use as a bedroom the safety of any occupant would be compromised and this is of greater concern. Just my thoughts on it.