Win. Explorer corrupt how to copy files


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My only way in to access my laptop is via the Windows task manager, before I re-install windows I need to copy files to another location for back-up, i have access to a remote HDD via the usb port but as Win Explorer causes the PC to crash I can only use the dos prompt to copy files, my Q's
  • Is there any way to copy Directorys + sub directorys with a single command? (I know copy *.* will copy all files in a single dir but this dosen't copy sub-dir's)
  • Is there any way I can enable shareing the local C: outside of Win Explorer so that I can copy across a network connection.
  • I can execute programs from task manager so is there another filemanager that I could download that could enable me to copy data from the c: to the external HDD.
Many Thanks

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What happens when Explorer causes the PC to crash? Do you mean a complete freeze or BSOD or just that Explorer disappears?

Try Xplorer2 Lite and see if that works.

To do a recursive copy of all folders/files in a DOS command shell do, for example:
copy /s *.* x:
To share your folder you'll need to right click on the folder choose Properties and then go to the Sharing property page but you'll need Explorer (or another file manager) to work for this to be possible. Alternativey in a DOS command shell:
net share blah c:\temp\mydir
should work. For more options do
net help share
Xplorer 2lite does the job - excellent - thanks Clubman.

Xcopy , netshare ect, don't work I get a 'is not recognised as an internal or external command' -

copy /s *.* x:
Should have read
xcopy /s *.* x:
and Towger's
xcopu /e *.* x:
is better because it will also copy empty folders. But if xcopy is not present then probably irrelevant.

What version of Windows are you using that those commands seem to be missing? W9x/Me or something perhaps?
The OS is Windows XP Pro. copy command will work the others no, I do recall years ago that if you typed (I think) Help ? then a list of 20 or so dos commands appeared but thats not available either. Anyhow I'm sorted thanks again.
Perhaps C:\Windows and/or C:\Windows\System32 are simply not on your PATH? Type PATH at the command line to check.
Is this when you type PATH on the command line? Can you copy and paste the output? To do this from a DOS command shell you may need to enable QuickEdit mode (click on the little icon at the top left of the command shell window title bar, choose Properties and then check the Edit Options -> QuickEdit Mode option; you can apply this to all windows with the same name if it prompts you). Then in the DOS command shell you should be able to use the mouse to highlight text, type Enter to copy this to the clipboard and then paste it as normal into another application (e.g. the message composition screen here on AAM).
OK this is the reslt I get when I type Path in the command prompt line - BTW I do get all the dos commands on my desktop which uses the same OS -

PATH=%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Fi
les\ATI Technologies\ATI Control Panel;C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\AUTODE~1;C:\MSSQL7\B
INN;C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\Odbc\FILEMA~1;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\
Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\;C:\Program Files\PCBt
Looks OK to me assuming that SystemRoot is set correctly. Type
set SystemRoot
at the command line to check. If your path is actually correct then you should try
cd \Windows\System32
dir net*
dir xcopy*
to see if, say, net.exe and xcopy.exe exist.
But they are not picked up from your path and only work when you are actually in C:\Windows\System32 or what?
Strange. Try:
cd \
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\windows\system32
net help share
and see if that works.

And also go to the Start menu and right click on My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced -> Encironment Variables and for both the user and system variables groups select PATH, choose Edit and copy/paste the Variable value here.
Sounds like the %SystemRoot% settings in your path are not getting expanded to the relevant directory path.