Will there be a General Election in 200?


Registered User
Simple question, some complex answers, any views?

The big question is what way the Greens will go. On the one hand, they may hang in there as they would get devastated in a GE today, but on the other hand, they might reclaim some lost support by pulling out now.
I havn't heard anyone say it yet but surely they're in quite a strong position in one way. Can't they just turn to FF and say "give me this" or "give me that" otherwise we're outta here?
I think the only way the Greens have any hope of retaining a bit of credibillity is by pulling out of Government now. Of course, the fact that they didn't do this long ago has already lost them a huge amount of support and that will be very difficult to claw back. They really have behaved in a very short sighted way and shown absolutely no integrity or even strategic long term thinking. I think they're effectively gone which is an awful pity as they did have something to offer but let desire for power overrule.
They would have taken alot of flak if they did not seize the opportunity to enter into government. I think by pulling out now they will show that they are not capable of fighting their corner and their only hope is to try and salvage some credibility in the remaining years in govt. If a general election happens soon and FG get in then we can look forward to 5 years of blaming FF rather than any great escape plan. The mantra has been 'look at the mess you have gotten us into' with no sign of a strategy should they come into govt.

And I suppose you voted Fianna Fail?

Its not a question of 'fighting their corner', its a question of retaining some integrity. The electorate has made their views quite clear and have given the Greens a right hammering due to their association with FF. The only good the Greens can do now is to pull out and force a general election.
And I suppose you voted Fianna Fail?
I didn't vote for one party, I choose the individuals who have shown some glimpses of hope for the future and others who have proven themselves in the past.

To pull out is to concede and therefore put an end to any future hopes of returning in my book. If they feel that they are not up to the task then they should pull out, but if they pull out to simply gain favour with the opposition or the public then they would be worthless. They are in a position to push their agenda, if they have the courage to do so they may just gain something from the next couple of years.

I agree. There is no point in pulling out now if they are only doing it to try and regain support. Its too late. The real pressure will come from Green Party members themselves. I think you will see massive resignations unless something drastic happens. Even if they don't pull out, they know that they now have to be seen to be publically pushing their own agenda even if means going against FF. This of course means that the coalition is not stable. It won't last six months.
Unfortunately a FG/LAB coalition with Enda Kenny as leader does not exactly make me excited.
i cant see the greens pulling out. if they do theyll go the way of the PDs so from their point of view why should they. They are at the bottom but their in govt. Theyll stay as long as they can. Thier 2 ministers are probably the 2 best in cabinet. They wont pull out.

Thats just my view Im not a green. I believe their time in govt will lead to their end (as previoulsy posted). There is no requirement for the green party. Every govt has a dept for the enviroment and green policy and targets are set by Eu etc.
I see your point alright, I just can't see this Govt lasting two years with our without Green support, so I don't think they're going to have a lot of time to finally start pushing their agenda or to achieve anything. But, to be honest, even if they pulled out tomorrow I wouldn't vote for them again so I suppose they've nothing to lose by hanging in there (they've already lost the respect of the electorate). I would just love to see FF pushed out as soon as possible. I'm not a big FG fan but we badly need a change of Govt and FF badly need a kick up the a*se.
Do you not think potitical stability is more important than another general election. Now that will bring us back to the 80's....
Not if the current Govt is corrupt, incompetent and arrogant. Also, following the weekend, they couldn't exactly be described as 'stable'.

On a separate note, did anyone else notice that Mary Coughlan was being kept well away from the media over the past few weeks. Anyone reckon she'll still be Tanaiste for much longer?
On a separate note, did anyone else notice that Mary Coughlan was being kept well away from the media over the past few weeks. Anyone reckon she'll still be Tanaiste for much longer?

She has to go - even Cowen will have to admit that now. As theres no way FF will pull out, there will be a re-shuffle. She will be side stepped into something less visable - Cowen has to be seen to do something to appease the masses and that would be a handy way out for him.
On a side note, he really was very quiet all weekend - it was Lenihen everywhere with almost no sign of Cowen at all. Bless...
How does the Green Pary work? Who makes the decision on whether or not they continue in Government?

Is it the membership or the Parliamentary party?

I can see a lot of tension between the two groups. Which will win out?

I would have thought that the only possible exit strategy for the Greens would be to make a big fuss out of and trying to take the credit for getting a general election called and then publically stating that they want to go into coalition with FG.

I'm not sure how a FG/Labour coalition would work. Both are from different parts of the political spectrum and have conflicting ideology. While Labour have done very well in the locals and increased their representation, so have FG to the point that they may no longer need Labour in a coalition. If the Greens managed to salvage the 5-6% support they originally had and joined with FGs mid 30s support, you'd have approaching 40% support. 40-45% support is usually enough to have a more than 50% of the seats in the Dail.

I can understand why both FG and Labour are distancing themselves from a coalition together, as they are both smelling FF blood and want to establish themselves as the two biggest parties in the country - with a view to fighting elections out with each other in future decades. Could we be mirroring the UK system - Conservatives (FG) v Labour in most elections with around 25% supporting Liberals (FF)?
OK, but would you see them as having anything in common with the UK Liberals? I wouldn't. But it's OT maybe - sorry.