Will recent events give us better election candidates?


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We have witnessed major failings in our politicians and political system. I also believe that we have good public representatives in each of the parties but they are in the minority.

So will we have the opportunity to elect a new generation of public representatives or will the opposition that have been patiently waiting their turn and keeping the government in check for the last decade be rewarded?
No. Our deeply flawed electoral system will always give us deeply flawed governments.
No, parish pump politics will always hold sway in Ireland. But, politicians could gain some respect e.g dissolving the Senate forever.
The old saying about moving the deck chairs on the Titanic could never be more applicable.
You would be hard pressed to find 5 intelligent people among the whole Dail.
At least Gerry Adams will have an early chance to bring his wonderful economic abilities to our attention
I wouldn't be too hopeful.

Some fresh thinking, but I predict mostly more of the same.