Will nature verified?



A friend of mine made a hand written will, which I and another friend signed. He died shortly after. The will went to probate and I've heard it will stand. I have never been contacted regarding my signature. Is this normal? I am happy that the will stands, but it worries me that it it has and I've never been contacted. It could have been be a forgery!
What is the problem? There's a will and it appears to have been properly executed, you don't dispute it. What do you mean it could have been a forgery? It wasn't.

I just find it strange that my signature was not verified. As I said my signature could have been a forgery.
Do I understand you correctly.

You are concerned that the executors did not check with you that you did witness the will.

I assume that the executor only has an obligation to do this if they have any concerns that the will was a forgery, If they have no concerns, they don't need to do this.
It looks to me as if bouncer is more surprised that the Probate Office did not ask for confirmation of his signature. [I'm assuming Bouncer is male -- something to do with choice of username.]

The Probate Office has the right to ask witnesses to attend and confirm that they did indeed see the testator sign. I gather that it does not happen often, and when it does, the Probate Office is satisfied with the personal attendance of one of the witnesses.
I've never been contacted regarding the will. The will was a rough draft written in preparation for a visit to the solicitors, my friend dictated his wishes, which were written down by another friend and we all signed it on my suggestion. Just as well, as he never got to go to the solicitors.
I just think the probate office should do more. They just took the will at face value. My friend was an elderly bachelor who died suddenly with an estate worth approx 400k.