What I mean is this, My Mortgage is 260k my house realistically is worth 280k.
There is 19yrs left on the term.
I am on interest only which finishes in November.
My repayments are at the moment 940 euro
In Nov they will rise to 1550,unless an extension is granted.
It is a family home and I have 2 dependents and am married.
The fact is I am unemployed now for 6mths and have been really struggling to keep up but have done up to now by dipping into savings which are now gone.
I do receive a mortgage int supplement which is 705 euro pm.
I dont know how long I will remain out of work but hve been assured that the supplement will remain in place as long as I continue to satisfy the criteria.
Does anyone know if the banks will start Repossesion against me if I can only offer this amount for the moment?
As I said it is a family home and would hope that fact may make some difference.