Will a couple with only one income get a Homeloan ?


Registered User

I was wondering, would a couple with only one regular income (from permanent employment, recently completed probationary period) get a Homeloan ?

If so, whats the guideline on the level of debt they might home to raise (i.e. would they get 35% of net monthly income for loan repayments, or would they get 3x gross annual salary etc.) ?

In brief, looking at a possible refinance, perfect repayment record on existing homeloan. No new funds required, just possible refinance for a better deal. ICB record also perfect.

Many thanks.
3 times subject to meeting the 35% rule if that is the percentage the bank is using and subject to having the required surplus for any dependants. All will have to fit.
Hi, there's no reason you wouldn't get a home loan. I'm aware of at least one friend in similar circumstances who was trading up without issue.

However I don't know the exact details of the amount you would get - your spouse would be counted as a dependent in their calculation of your monthly commitments.