Wife's SRB and TC


Registered User
Can some please advise.

Last year everything was fine with our taxes, then in Jan my net monthly was down by about 300 euro.
I rang the tax office and they said that my wife had all the credits and the information did not transfer over for 2008
(My wife gets paid 500e a week net, this was agreed on with her employer. So she would not have seen the extra in her wages, and it was not flagged by her employer that they were taking less tax out of her wages (meaning they had to pay less tax for her)).

I asked the tax office to put it back the way it was the previous year and she said she did, but last week my wife's employer rang he to say that she would be down 70e for the week because her tax was now different.

I also think there has been a delay in the employer getting my wifes new tax cert?

Here is the info on my Tax credit certs.
Date 19/2/08
Gross Tax credits: me: 3791.20 wife: 3677 Gross standard rate band: 70949

Tax Credits
me: Yly: 3792 Mtly: 316 Wkly: 72.93, Wife: Yly: 3677 Mtly: 306 Wkly: 70.72,

Standard Rate Band
me: Yly: 44549 Mtly: 3712.42 Wkly:856.72, Wife: Yly: 26400 Mtly: 2200 Wkly:507.70,
Date 22/1/09
Gross Tax credits: me: 3825.86 wife: 3677 Gross standard rate band: 72949

Tax Credits
me: Yly: 3826 Mtly: 318.84 Wkly: 73.58, Wife: Yly: 3677 Mtly: 306.42 Wkly: 70.72,

Standard Rate Band
me: Yly: 44517 Mtly: 3793.09 Wkly:875.33 Wife: Yly: 27432 Mtly: 2286 Wkly:527.54,
Date 7/2/09
Gross Tax credits: me: 3825.86 wife: 3677 Gross standard rate band: 72949

Tax Credits
me: Yly: 3826 Mtly: 318.84 Wkly: 73.58, Wife: Yly: 3677 Mtly: 306.42 Wkly: 70.72,

Standard Rate Band
me: Yly: 42459 Mtly: 3538.25 Wkly:816.52 Wife: Yly: 30490 Mtly: 2540.84 Wkly:586.35,

My wife went in to the tax office and told the girl that she needed to be getting 500e net and i think this is the cert i got after this.

This would appear to me that I will now be getting less in my wages because of this.

Can someone please explain this to me?? Basicaly I would want it back to the way it was last year. Can someone tell me how to split it? I am earning 47k per year. thank you