Wide window openings and regulations


Registered User
hi there

just a query about any new regulations with regard upstairs window openings. I know there have been some tragic accidents with fires and locked windows/openings not big enough and any new regs to prevent this tragedy would be welcome. However i visited my new build, development house over weekend and noticed that there was no facility for locking windows (no problem with that) but also the windows - big picture windows - opened very wide, 90 degree angle type thing! All in all i can see the benefit of this type arrangement in the event of quick exit required, but i am concerned as to how to ensure safety in the normal course of events should kids be kids and mess with them. Obviously one idea would be to make sure there is no facility to climb up onto the wondow sill, but with the inevitable box bedroom type situation the only place to put a bed is immediately under the window.

Suppose i am just wondering if there are any regulation preventing locking windows or smaller openings! Perhaps the developer is putting in the cheaper opton instead of windows opening from the top or something similiar to make it more difficult to open window wide except in an emergency! Though in fairness the developer has been quite accomodating so far and is using top notch options as far as i can see.

Will only have kids visiting in the near future but wondering about future options. Any ideas?
It is possible to have a small restrictor fitted to larger windows to allow the window to open only an 1" or 2"- you'll often see this in hotel bedroom windows for the reason you suggest. However this is not standard practice in domestic build- 1997 regulations state that the windows must be readily openable without use of keys etc. However new regulations just out (TGD B 2006) state safety restrictors must be fitted to windows. This regulation will probably not be applicable in your instance as the house was completed before the new regulations were published but you could try and push it with the builder. Check out http://www.environ.ie (www.environ.ie) building standards for details of the text (Part B 2006, page 56 and 57).
Carpenter said:
It is possible to have a small restrictor fitted to larger windows to allow the window to open only an 1" or 2"-

Any idea where I can get these restrictors for some PVC windows ? I have a small child and unlockable upstairs windows ! I've seen some restrictor that can be screwed into wooden window frames, but nothing as yet that will work on PVC.
Who supplied your windows? I've got replacement cylinders and the like from Munster Joinery for products they supplied, I've dealt with Peggy Kelly in their Service Department and found her helpful.
Thanks Carpenter....as ever a mine of information! While the windows are in, the house is not fully completed nor handed over, so i'll push that issue with the builder!

Great that prompt, knowledgable responses negate the need for mindless google trawling!!! ;)

Carpenter said:
Who supplied your windows? I've got replacement cylinders and the like from Munster Joinery for products they supplied, I've dealt with Peggy Kelly in their Service Department and found her helpful.

Not sure who did the windows...the house was finished when I bought it in 2003
another quickie...can these restrictors be put in place after windows are installed! Saw a couple of examples on the net which claim to do the job...looks like you can buy them seperately!

cheers again