Why would anyone want the leadership of FF at this time?

Betsy Og

Registered User
Isnt it very reminiscent of when Michael Noonan took over FG?, wouldnt you just be jumping into the drivers seat before the bus hits the wall?

Any new leader will surely face the worst electoral result for FF in generations, it being FF maybe they'll brazen it out but wouldnt you think they'd bide their time until Cowan leads the wipeout and, probably, then falls on his sword.

Then its a "clean" run at leadership in opposition and a tilt at power next time.
what politician would turn down the opportunity to be taoiseach, no matter what the circumstances?
Also I think there is still an element that thinks we can 'ride this out' and things will start to turn around in a year or two.
If a new FF leader can remain as Taoiseach for 18 months it would still be an honour. It might be the only chance for some of them if FF spend one or two terms in opposition.
Alternatively, it might be no harm for FF to have an election now. The party would lose plenty of seats but they would be able to leave plenty of the more difficult decisions to FG/Lab. Also, if IMF come in next year FF could try put the blame on new government and might only have to spend one term in opposition.
I think FF know that if they stick with Cowen they'll be out of office after the next election. However, if Brian Lenihan took the wheel of the bus people might just get behind him and (rightly so) believe he is the only politician in there able to get us out of this mess.

It's time for someone to step up to the Mark in these challenging time.

Easy to take on the leadership when times are easy.

Now is the time for some real leadership by someone tough enough to sort out the ongoing waste and apathy within government.
Now is the time for some real leadership by someone tough enough to sort out the ongoing waste and apathy within government.

I don't see anyone within or from outside who is capable of this. Thats not my own apathy seeping through, I just don't see or hear anyone coming up with real, credible ideas.
Who would want to be taoiseach one way of looking at it - who is actually capable is another.

What is needed is someone who has guts & determination. Someone who can make brave decisions and conduct radical changes. These changes would have to start within government in terms of....
- expenses
- department expenditure
- pay cuts within governments
- amount of politicians required to run the country
..... if someone is not brave enough to do that then they are not fit to lead the country as far as I'm concerned.
Amount of politicians to run the country has to go to a referendum
Voters of Ireland will be the ones to decide that

But yes, I suppose a politician has to propose it, get support for it and get it organized first before the referendum can happen

It's time for someone to step up to the Mark in these challenging time.

Easy to take on the leadership when times are easy.

Now is the time for some real leadership by someone tough enough to sort out the ongoing waste and apathy within government.

Who could argue with that, but you have to size up who we're dealing with, who the contenders are. I'm not sure any of them would sacrifice their political life to do the right thing.

There's also the conundrum in that FF backbenchers want a cheerleader to go easy not hard, make the voters a bit happier and try to get the backbenchsers re-elected, whereas any newcomer will have to keep the same line of cuts.

Its like a bigger version of the Health fiasco where Mary Harney, who is deeply unpopular is left there because, hand on heart, no-one else is confident they could do any better and why not let her carry all the blame as she's willing to do.

At least the current opposition will use the excuse that they're fixing the mess ups of the previous government whereas FF cant do that convincingly - you dont hear them slating Bertie ..... "if it wasnt for that darned Lehman Brothers we'll still be building 3 bed semi's in Roscommon" is all you get.