Why were the provisions of The Seventh Ammendment never enacted?


The seventh ammendment was passed 552,600 (92.4%) votes in favour to 45,484 (7.6%) against back in the 1970s but its provisions have never been enacted.

Can graduates of UL (and other instutions) take a case (to Europe) if neccessary to get the senate franchise?
The membership of the National University of Ireland was amended in the 1997 Universities Act. As far as I know the government can just add colleges as it deems desirable. I don't know why some are in there and others aren't.
Thanks Purple,

We hear a lot about the will of the people after referendums. What is it about the sevent ammendment that despite a 92% mandate the provisions were never enacted (the senate franchise was never expanded).

As an aside I had a look at the restults of the first senate (19 senators were directly elected in one national constituency by everyone over 30). Many of the names suggest that the candates were members of the protestant community.

There was one amazing candidate who had established his own car factory and then set about assembling Chryslers in Ireland!

I must read up on that. It seems to have been better than our own little version of the House of Lords.