Why uk riots and not england in the press


Registered User
What's the big deal, why persist with head in sand, we all know its ENGLAND but all the press use UK wherever possible. Its a bit pathetic really. I bet if it was Scotland UK would not be mentioned.


I don't recall "riots in UK" being used when there was trouble in Northern Ireland
The country is the UK. If there were riots in Germany, the media would use 'Germany' rather than e.g. Saxony.

I agree with DB74 re: Northern Ireland - but this is due to the vast majority of British people who dont think of NI as being part of the UK. I've got into an interesting habit recently - if I'm in the UK and someone mentions the troubles in Northern Ireland and how its great the Irish are no fighting anymore (as they invariably do in social situations) I usually reply along the lines that the troubles have little impact in Ireland and that us Irish people are happy to see that the UK is making progress with its civil war. You get an interesting reaction.
Could catch Noah.

That's a good one Csirl. I would love to see expression on faces when they hear that one!

I laugh, when I think back to how we were all clapped on the back for being good boys and girls, for not making a show of ourselves, when the Queen was here. Who's made a show of themselves now:rolleyes:
boomtobust- "good boys and girls" - the impression I got as someone living in Dublin is the enormous security operation that took days in the making and that made the centre of Dublin in to a ghost town.
The Brits watching on TV had never ever seen that before and frankly I thought it gave the horrible, if misleading,impression that if there wasn't such secuirty the Paddies would have attacked her.
Than goodness for the Cork visit.
Well good old BBC, got to hand it to them and fair play. The nice thing is I listen to radio 5 live and to hear the preseneters say ENGLAND when referring to the riots is a joy to behold. Its almost sticking in their craw.

When you read about those who did get involved it is every worrying as not all of them were destitute, let down by society etc.
