Why penalise people that want to save for a rainy day?


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Wow what for a way to squeeze more out of people which are responsible and trying to save so that they can retire or are ready in case something happens to them.

Never mind that interest rates for savings are nonexistent anymore and most pension funds are down by huge amounts, now we continue to penalize people that still try to save.

DIRT goes up to 25%, so forget about savings, ¼ of your small interest is now going to the tax man

Life Insurance now has a 1% levy, so you do the responsible thing and protect yourself and your family so that you don’t have to take social welfare when something happens and now you have to pay 1% on your premium.

Other Insurance, so you purchase travel insurance and the tax man now wants 3% of it.

Fantastic, so I’m a responsible person for insuring myself and saving for a rainy day and instead of helping me the tax man is making it more difficult.

This is what Zanu FF calls Fair?