Why oh why oh why do parents dress identical twins identically?

Re: Identical twins

It stops one saying "why does s/he have a blue one - I want a blue one".

(Depending on age).
Because it makes shopping for clothes easier. There are probably as many that aren't dressed identically, you just don't notice those!
Up to a certain age I think it looks cute, say about 2. It's the identical names I don't like, Shane and Zane type of thing.

I was casual friends with a girl for months before I found out she had an identical twin. Their parents went as far as putting them to different secondary schools to encourage individuality.
Myself and my sister (2 years older) were often dressed in identical clothes although usually in different colours. I hated it!
You have to take a walk in the parents' shoes first before commenting adversely. There were all sorts of things I thought I'd never do with children of my own until I had them.
It's one or the other:

1. The parents think it's cute
2. It's easier to shop

Mind you a friend of mine has twins and she would rarely dress them the same. There was 3 years between me and my sister and on certain occassions my mum put the same FROCK on both of us. T'was a frock not a dress, it was always rotten!. I'd never do that to my kids, then again they wouldn't have it anyway. They choose their own clothes, little messers!!
i have two girls (7 and 6) with 14 months between them. it is only recently that the younger one has stopped wanting to dress the same as her older sister. she wanted to be the same as her sister. i usually have to buy 2 of everything in the same style and now at last they are losing interest in everything "pink" and also starting to show different tastes but the youngest one still wants to copy from time to time but so what, isn't that part of growing up - who cares anyway. people still ask me if they are twins ! even when they are not dressed alike.
people still ask me if they are twins ! even when they are not dressed alike.
I didn't think that was a genuine question. I thought people always say things like that, and "oh, he/she looks just like you" or "(s)he's got your eyes" just to be nice and friendly, or else to get you to gossip about you personal life. Yes?
i guess most people really say it because they do actually look very alike and are similar in size and they are both ginger which is a bit unusual around north london ! so a lot of people actually do believe or not look at them twice, not in shock i must add, but they usually complement them on their lovely hair.
i am not going to start on the issues some people seem to have with ginger haired people, beyond my comprehension i am afraid !
Because it looks cute now if they are say 24 years old then you might have a point.
My concern is that if they look alike in every way then they will be treated alike a lot of the time. This may hinder development of individuality. Any thoughts?
[I realise that those who know them well will know the difference!!]

I remember a mother of 10-year old fraternal twins saying that she dressed them alike for convenience when they were babies and since then they always wanted to dress alike.