Why landlords cant rent their properties!!


Registered User
I'll tell you why cause they dont bother getting in touch with people that are looking for places.

Last thursday i was looking on daft for a place to rent.

There were around 25 houses/apartments that i would of been interested in......all but 3 of these were deing dealt with through agents.

Out of 25 emails/phone calls sent only 5 got back to me:-

The 3 that were renting themselves:-

1st......House already gone

2nd...... No good as advertised as having a garden when if fact is a top floor apartment.

3rd.....was viewing but i was unable to go as i was working and has now been rented out.

The 2!!!!! agents that got back to me:-

1st...email recieved saying that they would get someone to call me later on that day ( friday ) or at the latest monday......still heard nothing from them

2nd....phoned me back had to check something with the landlady said they would call me back that day, guess what i'm still waiting on that call.

In all these messages i sent i asked if the property wasn't suitable or had already been let would they please get in contact and let me know if anything else was available. I would of thought that at least some of these would of been in touch.

What is the point in paying these estate agent/letting companies to rent your property when they dont seem to be bothered if it is rented or not. You would of thought getting paid at the moment would be their main priority since the housing market has dried up so much.
I'm in exactly the same boat and am furious.

Called (and left messages) and sent emails to 17 agents early last week. Only ONE got back to me (to tell me it wasn't actually available immediately, but in 3 weeks time!)

I wonder do the owners know these agents are being so lazy? Considering most of the properties I've enquired about have been on the market for 3+ months!

In this day and age, jaysus, you'd think they'd be jumping at the chance!

Seems all they do these days is stick an ad on daft and collect their fees.
I was considering renting my house out and renting in another area myself earlier this year. Had exactly the same experience as you guys. Plus Landlords in the D4,6,6w (can't comment on other areas) areas really need to improve the standard of their houses. LS.
Seems all they do these days is stick an ad on daft and collect their fees.

I didn't think they got paid straight away.

A few years ago we were thinking of renting out our house, the arrangment was that we didn't pay untill they had found someone to move into the house. Then out of the deposit and the first months rent the agent would then get their fee's and the rest would be lodged into out account.

the fee came to i think around 1 months rent, and at the time it seemed a lot just for it to be advertised and nothing else.

and then 3 years ago we were given 1 month to move out of a place as the owner was selling and we had found another place and 2 days before we were meant to move in we were told the landlord wasn't letting the house out anymore, we managed to find somewhere we liked that evening, made arrangment to view it the following morning got to the bank afterwards and go into the agent that was renting it, pay the deposit and months rent in advance and got the keys there and then and moved in that evening.

I just dont understand what is going on??? Back then out of the whole of north county dublin this was the only house that would of been any good to us and we viewed and moved into the house about 30 hours after we first contacted the agent.

I never thought in a million years it would be this difficult.

It's now a week since i contacted all those people and still not a word from anyone!!!
I don't know where you are SJ but the peak time for rentals is when the students go back in Dublin/Cork/Galway etc so that may be part of your problem.

Being a landlord I'm delighted to hear you're having problems finding somewhere to rent as I had understood there were loads of rental properties - what is your general location?

In relation to agents, they are working for the owner so if they have rented a property they are not going to bother ringing you back.
I'm in balbriggan bronte. It's not finding a place that i'm having trouble with bronte it's getting the agents to contact me back and arrange a viewing!!!!

I have managed to find a place through an agent!!! He's in dublin 6! I'm not surprised the builder choose them over any of the local ones.

Quick update for you: The agent that called me back in the beginning i still never heard anything back from so i phoned again still nothing!! Was promised someone would call me back that afternoon, as 2 other properties had become available as well.

The email i recieved i phoned them as well, the lady remembered me sending the email and passed it on...bascially blamed it on someone else for not getting back to me...still nothing from them either.

What these agents dont seem to realise is that i own a house myself, and if i was looking to sell/rent it out i wouldn't go near them because of this. As if i'm going to want any of them trying to rent out or sell my house for me!!!

I'd love to be able to name and shame them. It's the landlords i feel sorry for, the agents clearly dont have their best interest at heart. Why would an estate agent want to keep lots of properties on the books....there are loads in balbriggan at the moment.

I did view one house but i didn't like it, was too small i asked her to ring if anything else came in 2 days later 3 more properties were advetised on daft from that agent, and i've still heard nothing from them!! ( not that i need to anymore...but they dont know that )

Oh and the best one was phoning up one place and the receptionist didn't even know about the house i was talking about even though it was advertised in their window!! ( a friend rang me and said she had seen it so i phoned them )

But at least i can say the name of the agent that i did get a house from:-

Bohan Property Consultants
53A Rathgar Ave
Dublin 6

01 491 3000

I phoned them in the morning, got a call back about an hour later with arrangments to view that afternoon. Now the guy was a bit late but i'm not gonna hold that agaist him he was coming from the south side.

Showed me the house, i liked it, gave deposit, and i move in in about 2 weeks...and the best thing I was able to choose things i did and didn't want, within reason!! The house is totally empty not even floors, the builder couldn't sell so decided to rent instead.
What these agents dont seem to realise is that i own a house myself, and if i was looking to sell/rent it out i wouldn't go near them because of this. As if i'm going to want any of them trying to rent out or sell my house for me!!!
Why not explicitly tell them this?

I'd love to be able to name and shame them.
Why not name and shame them? There's little point telling this sort of story and letting everyone else contact these letting agents as well. You named a good one below, name the rubbish ones too.

Why would you rent a house with no floors? Are you going to put in floors? If its totally empty then I assume you are going to furnish it yourself and then will have to take all of that stuff with you if you move out....seems like an awful lot of hassle TBH. I hope you got a good reduction in rent for an unfurnished and incomplete house (no floors)
Flip of the coin..
I was looking for tenants to rent a flat. Could not believe that potential tenants where making appointments, and then not bothering turning up even though i had called then few hours before to remind then and re-confirm time.
On the 20 or so appointments made and confirmed, less than 50% turned up.
It was a 2 hour return trip for me each time.

And I could not believe some of the requests, like showing flat at 4 in the morning.
There is only so much a landlord can do to facilitate things.
And I could not believe some of the requests, like showing flat at 4 in the morning.
There is only so much a landlord can do to facilitate things.

WTF!! What eejits of tenants in their right might would have the cheek to request that.