Why is the STD rate larger that the APR rate for fixed mortgage.


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Hello Folks
This might be a stupid question, but I'm a first time buyer and have been looking at the rates and how much I might have to repay. But I've been looking at APR and I notice repayment for fixed are higher than I thought and the STD rate is higher.
Below is an example from BOI for 1000.

Why are the STD rates for expensive then APR is supposed to take into account costs?

Any info is appreciated.

Product %STD %APR
25 years
30 years
35 years

5 Year Fixed - rolling to Variable VRP5 - ALL LTVs 4.39 3.8

The APR assumes that the variable rate that you revert to at the end of the fixed rate is the same as the variable rate today and will continue at that rate for the term of the loan when in fact it may have increased dramatically.

It's better to compare the standard rates when it comes to fixed mortgages.

Be wary of lenders that only publish their APR on fixed rates.

[broken link removed]
Thank you that is very helpful, the problem was that I was comparing rates using [broken link removed], and in its comapison tools it only uses APR then I was putting the ARP rate into the intrest relief calculator. As a result I was not looking at the real cost of the loan.

Now I can compare properly.
Thank you