why is nobody questioning the auditors of QUINN insurance?


Registered User
I have been following the quinn saga like everyone else but is it not the case that his company had to produce audited accounts each year and show what state the company was in?? In that case why is no one questioning the auditors or even naming them? And that goes for this goernment, they have a role to play as well but as usual are doing nothing. Of course we the suckers are left holding the can as usual.

They are. There was a story in the Irish Times about them during the week. You are right. They have questions to answer.
or the Auditors of Anglo/Permanent TSB for the loan swaps at year end for Seanie Fitz....1 of the most basic things auditors are supposed to look out for when performing their roles.

or the Auditors of Irish Nationwide....was a sample of loans not looked at each year? Surely if they had, then the loans given on a nod and wink to high profile figures would have been exposed

there are numerous other examples of inept Auditing over the last 15 years in this country....but no sign of legal actions as you'd see in the US for example. Mores the pity