Why dont RTE have a seperate news bulletin for Anglo etc?


Registered User
RTE should have a seperate news bulletin specifically for Anglo Irish, NAMA, economy rubbish, he said/she said political dribble, which would be best aired around midnight and have other more interesting news on at 6. That way, only the people who are actually still interested will stay up to watch it.

Perhaps they should have gift grub on every evening instead!
I think it makes a change. We had 30 years of the SF/IRA/Northern Ireland in the news every day. I just changed channel every time they started to talk about it. Two years of Anglo/Banks/NAMA is not too bad, but I do think they concentrate too much on the Banks which is after all a huge but ONE OFF CHARGE of approx €30bn, and we may get some of the money back long term. There is very little coverage of the national deficit which is now running at €20bn EACH YEAR, and the cutbacks and extra taxes required to bridge the gap. It will be these cutbacks and taxes which will affect the average person.
Two years of Anglo/Banks/NAMA is not too bad, but I do think they concentrate too much on the Banks which is after all a huge but ONE OFF CHARGE of approx €30bn, and we may get some of the money back long term.
We'll get the money back when the value of tulips return. (ie, never)

The €30Billion is just another guess. This value just keeps on going up and up... How much will Anglo and the other banks cost? How much is the interest bill going to be? FF's mess will haunt our grandchildren.

Anyway, this is off topic. I agree with the OP. The general public aren't interested, or just do not understand the implications. We know this because there hasn't been a revolution.
I'm not really sure what the evening news would constitute without this content. I would imagine it would resemble some Stalinist propaganda. Work hard Comrades! Soylent Green yields up 10%!
Or why not a separate Anglo Irish Channel. This could be staffed by over the hill R.T.E. presenters giving us advice on financial investments , insurance etc
Is that the very same R.T.E. of whom none of the staff pay tax at the higher rate, as mentioned on R.T.E. Radio 1 this morning?

Is it not about time Revenue did a bit of investigating into all these self employed subcontractors (may of which have no pensions or invested same in useless rocky costline) who work full time for years for the same employers within the 'entertainment' industry?
What I find more disgusting is that given the hundreds of thousands of words and hours of television dedicated to Anglo and its sins, very little of the same have been given to the sucide of an Anglo employee who has faced unjustifiable abuse for 3 years.

It doesn't matter that the media has helped considerably in whipping up this abuse, nope their angle (where they've had one in the very small coverage) is to just pin all the blame on the public.

In fact, all sympathy and coverage of the story dropped off as they begin fuelling hatred again with their coverage of Seanie.
What do you mean none of the staff of RTE pay tax at the top rate? How could this be so?
I don't know how tax works for self employed people

A lot of the top paid people don't work directly for RTE, they are contractors

Bill O' Herlihy and Pat Kenny are examples.
They are contractors and RTE pays money to their business
In fact I think the majority of the djs on 2FM are contractors. Gerry Ryan, Colm Hayes, Jim Nugent (former employee), they are/were all contractors.
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What do you mean none of the staff of RTE pay tax at the top rate? How could this be so?

That is what the interviewer said on RTE 1's Morning Ireland show yesterday.

Here it is: Cathal Mac Coille talking to Dan Boyle "Almost all of us are not paying tax at the top level"
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There are thousands of self employed people in the country. If they earn over a certain amount (40 / 50 K), they are into the top rate bracket. I still don't understand how they would not be paying tax at the higher rate? Unless they were running their business through a company maybe?

"They are contractors and RTE pays money to their business" - as micmclo said it would appear that RTE pay money to a company in their name.

This type of thing came to my knowledge when Colm Hayes and Jim Nugent left FM104 for 2FM and they had a big intellectual property row with FM104 over the characters they had created and the different sketches they did on the show. Aside from the characters/sketches being claimed as intellectual property, part of the reason for them taking the characters/sketches with them away from FM104 was because they were self-employed.
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Unless they were running their business through a company maybe?

Some do.

Bill O'Herlihy owns the Bill O'Herlihy Communications Group and RTE pays his money to this
He does other work too but the money flows through the company
Tax rates and bands 2010
Single Person €36,400
Married couple One income €45,400
Married couple Two incomesUp to €72,800 (increase limited to the amount of the second income)
One parent family €40,400