Why dont Airtricity advertise?

I had someone knocking at my door last night about Airtricity.

Made no mention of how their energy was greener, just that with bord gas that the prices will be going up after six months but they promise to always be 10% cheaper.

Looks like he was not telling the truth ......

From the airtricity website - discounts only guaranteed till Oct 2010

Terms & Conditions apply. % discount based on the ESB kilowatt hour rates applicable until 31/01/10. Future discounts will vary


Also - that 85% figure for renewable energy is now 79% - and it will drop even more as they get more customers. The figure was high because they didn't have many customers - so originall a large proportion of the electricity they sold was "green". But as they grow they will be selling more and more "non green" (unless they are increasing their green generation as fast as they are getting customers.
wasn't aware of those changes will keep a eye on them(although the agent who signed me up assured me there was no time limitation on my discount of 13% and I 'd always get it, so unless its for new customers or I just got the call centre line must mail them and see) ,
but still happy with my choice, regarding the salesman not mentioning the green aspect its probably down to not getting a overall favourable reaction on the doorsteps. Generally people are more cost minded at the moment and the power of BG advertising is hard to overcome. People also have a tendency to associate green with the likes of organic and free range, in other words more expensive than the traditional alternative
The actual unit is irrelevant only the end result, never heard anyone say any different.

That 85% (or 79% or whatever it may be) is a play on statistics. There is no correlation between the amount of energy Airtricity sell to domestic customers and the amount they generate using their windfarms.

Say Airtricity have 100 MW of wind installed on the Irish system that they own. If they sign up 120 MW of domestic customers that does not mean that ~80% of their electricity sold to domestic customers comes from green sources!

Since they buy energy from a gross pool market ESB, Bord Gais and Airtricity sell the exact same percentage of electricity generated from wind, gas, oil, coal, peat, hydro. No one supplier can justly claim to sell greener energy than the other. There just is no correlation between the amount of energy sold to domestic customers by Airtricity and the amount they generate using their windfarms.

Their advertising is misleading and wrong.