Why doesn't Ireland celebreate an independence day


Registered User
I was speaking to an Indian colleague about the Indian independence day, he asked me why don't we celebrate our independence day? I explained about the North and partitioning, and he said but India, despite partitioning still celebreates this day...

So tell me why don't we celebrate this day?
Re: Why doesn't Ireland celebrate an independence day

A West Brit Conspiracy ?
What date would you choose?

Also the partition in India created two independent states; that did not occur in Ireland.
NI is a part of the Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland, not an independant state.

Besides, isn't St. Pats day, and the Easter celebrations partly an independance celebration?
Besides, isn't St. Pats day, and the Easter celebrations partly an independance celebration?
No Paddys day is a religous holiday and the easter celebrations commerate the 1916 rising. Neither relate to our independence.

I for one think yes we should celebrate the day the republic was formed. I know there are people out there who feel that Ireland is not independent until all 32 counties are independent. I am Irish, a free Irish person, my grandfather fought for independence, so why do we not celebrate our independence?????
Kind of agree pinkybear

So when would it be? Date of partition or date of declaration of republic or something else?

Oops - just noticed your suggestion of 'day republic was formed'

Sounds reasonable to me?
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Irish independence was fleeting; due to the meek acceptance of successive European treaties over the past twenty years Ireland is now part of the European, rather than the British, Empire.
Hmmm why should we not have an Independneance Day, an interesting question.

I would prefer if the Government supported the current instituations of the State i.e. those same institutions that Padraig Pearse et al and others died so that we could have. I'm talking about such bodies as the Revenue Commisisoners. Last year the State made a tax settlement for €22m (the largest single tax settlement in the history of the State!) with a building company. The principals of that company attended in the FF tent at the Galway races both this year and last year sitting beside and interacting with the very same members of the Government who job it is to support the institutions of the State.

My view is that we would do the memory of Padraig Pearse (and others) far more justice by the Government support of the State institutions that he gave his life to create.
On that note I am just after emailing the Taoiseach's office asking the same question...
Why not join me in my petition to celebrate our independence
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You bang on there Firefly and we are below average in Europe for bank holidays...

Let the petitioning begin....

Apologies, I thought this was a serious thread........but as usual in Ireland...its all about what we can get..
The Republic of Ireland act came into being on 18 April 1948.
18 April would be a terrible date to have another holiday on. We already have loads around that time of year with Patrick's day and Easter.

What we need is to pick a date in February, July, September or November, when there's no public holiday already.

Didn't Fianna Fail state last week (this week?) that they were not even considering adding another holiday?
Apologies, I thought this was a serious thread........but as usual in Ireland...its all about what we can get..

So what would you suggest, YOBR? A days unpaid leave?

Surely the point about Ireland having one of the lowest holiday rates in the EU is that there is room for an Independance Day holiday, should the majority of the population feel that it should be celebrated.
Surely the point about Ireland having one of the lowest holiday rates in the EU is that there is room for an Independance Day holiday, should the majority of the population feel that it should be celebrated.

Is that really true? Ireland has a lot more bank holidays than Switzerland (yes I know you said the EU) but I used to live in Italy and I didnt have more holidays/bank holidays there nor in Sweden. Im fairly sure Germany doesnt have more bank holidays. Is that really true that Ireland has one of the lowest holiday rates in the EU?
Actually scratch that it appears you are right:

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"18 April would be a terrible date to have another holiday on. We already have loads around that time of year with Patrick's day and Easter."

"Surely the point about Ireland having one of the lowest holiday rates in the EU is that there is room for an Independance Day holiday, should the majority of the population feel that it should be celebrated."

No, I'm not suggesting unpaid leave. The question of whether and how to celebrating our independance is an extremely important issue which apprears to be missing from some of the posts about this question. The question of whether we have a low number of public holidays compared to the rest of the EU is irrelevant to this issue. The issue of commemorating this event/occurance should be decided on a stand alone basis and not be used an an excuse or give us a leg up the Euro public holiday league table.

Likewise, its date (if we are to have a such a holiday) should not be chosen to discommode us on existing public holidays. It appears to me in this thread that people are more concerned with getting the public holiday than the actual event it is proposed to honour.

Finally, the original post asked the question "why don't we celebrate our independence day" it did not suggest a public holiday. Indeed, there are many ways to celebrate it than other than having a public holiday and I might add that it might be better to have a commemoration that does not include a public holiday. If you look at Paddy's Day, it give certain people the excuse to spend the day in the pub which i dont think would be a fitting way to remember Pearse, Collins and many many other who fought and died to secure Irish independence.
It appears to me in this thread that people are more concerned with getting the public holiday than the actual event it is proposed to honour.

Hi YOBR, yes it would be great to get a BH, however my original post was in relation to celebrating our independence - and whether or not you agree I think that is worthy of a BH. I for one would celebrate it with pride.
Pinkybear, I'm glad that you would celebrate with pride but I fear that many others would not. However, given the dominating affect of the War of Independence on Irish politics throughout the years, are we mature enough as nation to discuss and commemorate this event without opening up old wounds. Would it be hijacked for political purposes? Also, how would such an event be viewed in Northern Ireland?

. However, given the dominating affect of the War of Independence on Irish politics throughout the years, are we mature enough as nation to discuss and commemorate this event without opening up old wounds.
Yes we are, the celtic cubs are not as entrenched in old Irish politics as prior generations. And we are living in a time where there is peace, and hopefully a sustained one...

I understand your centament about people using it as an excuse for the pub.. We as a nation have matured, we are now beginging to comemorate the easter rising, prior to this it was only comemorated by Sin Fein..

I'm glad that you would celebrate with pride I fear that many others would not.
Not proud to be Irish and Independant - can you personaly name some one who is Irish and who is not proud to be so???