Why do the Irish like big government?


Registered User
Since the foundation of the state our governments, of various hues, have failed us in just about every respect.
Economically we were utterly mismanaged for the first 40 years and with the exception on a short period in the late 50’s/ early 60’s and another between the late 80’s and late 90’s, it’s been the same complete mismanagement ever since. Any 6th year economics student with half a brain could have pointed out the mistakes as they were being made.

Socially it’s been the same thing; form the states failure to protect children in its care from child rapists and the past and current failure to bring those responsible to justice.
Add to that the systematic and systemic interference by Roman Catholic Church in social policy and legislation where everything from birth control to laws against homosexuality was overseen by people who were, at the same time, covering up for, facilitating and financing child rapists.
The state has failed to provide adequate healthcare (even though one in every 17 people in the workforce now works for the HSE).
The state had failed to provide adequate transport infrastructure.
The state has failed to provide adequate policing and prison services.
The state has failed to provide or regulate adequate utilities (Water, Broadband, and Power).
The state can’t even organise the pensions of its own employees.

Most importantly the state has failed most spectacularly anywhere is comes into contact with the private sector. It has failed to regulate the financial services industry. It failed to regulate private nursing homes (that it funds). It managed to get fleeced any time it tried to sell off a state asset or any time it buys services or infrastructure (P-PARS, E-Voting, Roads, Schools, Hospitals, etc).

Any time the state attempts to stimulate the market it screws things up (housing bubble).

Why, after 80 years of almost continuous failure, do we still keep looking to the state to provide things for us that we are able to provide for ourselves?
It managed to get fleeced any time it tried to sell off a state asset...

I think the state got a pretty good price for Eircom. I don't think anyone who bought Eircom shares has got their money back since; is that true how many years later ? The state however did get fleeced by the Unions though in giving them a share of the company which in my opinion was not earned by present staff who qualified but by all the staff since the start of the roll out of telecommunications decades ago and by the taxpayer who funded it and funded their secure and high salaries.
I think the problem is in the institutions of the state. Political parties like FF see themselves as institutions similar to the church abuse cover ups where the survival of the institution has priority. Its' kind of cultish I reckon.
Largely because the government are untouchable! Yes they simply are. You vote this shower out & a new lot of imbeciles continue to do the exact same thing - they just spin it differently. Have any - any I mean any politician from any party - in or out of government- try to convince me otherwise.
To add to the list of grievances ....... why
- are children in this country still going to schools in prefabs
- people on hospital trollies for 8,10 hrs waiting to be seen to
- Cullen leaves & he gets a golden parachute
- NAMA just starts up a few months & the main people heading it up get massive pay increases (up to 70%!!!)
..... so this country made massive & I mean massive money for the exchequer over the last decade - and it was squandered.

Rant over .... but Purple I ma Irish & I don't like 'big government'. There are to many there as it is - who is going to do the culling. Equate this to a major corporation - there would be alot of heads have rolled by now! But our lot.....what a sad effort!

Enjoy Paddy's day (AT HOME in OUR Country)... not someone elses! But if you are having paddys day abroad - I'm sure most of you are paying for it yourselves right!
I posted this in a different section as I wanted to get opinions on why we like big government as opposed to doing things for ourselves but it has been moved to Letting Off Steam so it will just end up as another anti-government thread.

There aren't enough anti-government threads.
Anything that helps towards ousting the regime isn't pointless.
There aren't enough anti-government threads.
Anything that helps towards ousting the regime isn't pointless.

Yes there are because none of them address the root cause; we expect the state to do things for us that we should do for ourselves. We know they are no good at it. We tknow they have never been any good at it, yet we keep wanting them to do those things for us instead of saying stop; we can do that better and cheaper ourselves.
I agree with that ^

However, the government has positioned itself so that it is making these decision for us, whether we like it or not. Unfortunately, they are making and have made, very bad decisions.

I don't want the government telling me I can't order prescription medicine, even though I have a valid prescription, over the internet. For example.
Why, after 80 years of almost continuous failure, do we still keep looking to the state to provide things for us that we are able to provide for ourselves?

A legacy of colonialism?

After 100s of years of a foreign government forcing laws/policy on us maybe at this stage we are quite happy to sit back since it is at least our own government now.
The state had failed to provide adequate transport infrastructure.
The state has failed to provide adequate policing and prison services.
The state has failed to provide or regulate adequate utilities (Water, Broadband, and Power).
The state can’t even organise the pensions of its own employees.

Most importantly the state has failed most spectacularly anywhere is comes into contact with the private sector. It has failed to regulate the financial services industry. It failed to regulate private nursing homes (that it funds). It managed to get fleeced any time it tried to sell off a state asset or any time it buys services or infrastructure (P-PARS, E-Voting, Roads, Schools, Hospitals, etc).

Any time the state attempts to stimulate the market it screws things up (housing bubble).

Why, after 80 years of almost continuous failure, do we still keep looking to the state to provide things for us that we are able to provide for ourselves?

What do you see as an alternative?, how do we provide transport infrastructure/policing/prison facilites ourselves?. Can we blame the state for failing to manage pensions for it's own employees when so many private employers have also failed to do so and so many of the state's citizens are unable/unwilling/incapable of doing so themselves.?

Is the question not why do we depend on the state to do it, but rather why do we persistantly elect incompetent buffoons to run the state on our behalf?
Why, after 80 years of almost continuous failure, do we still keep looking to the state to provide things for us that we are able to provide for ourselves?

Because we're idiots? Seems to be the most plausable answer! :)
Funnily enough, posting on Internet bulletin boards isn't hugely effective at rocking the foundations of the state.
How do you know?

Social networking, blogging, twitter and bulletin boards etc are the future. This is how people are increasingly spread information, knowledge and propaganda. Even politicians are using the internet now. To say that the internet isn't hugely effective in rocking the foundations of the state is terribly short sighted. Why do you think China has such internet censorship?

If you can control the media, you can control people's minds.