Why do terriers run on 3 legs?

A 3-legged dog walks into a saloon in the Old West. He slides up to the bar and says:

"I'm looking for the man who shot my paw."
I have no idea either but my 2 do it sometimes - wondering if it is a breed trait - so funny - one scoops up one of his back legs every third or fourth stride !!
Some very good replies!!! Maybe it is a terrier thing and they can really tear along on their 3 legs.
Have you seen this?

The luxating patella thing is very common in dogs, but actually if you google 'jack russell running on 3 legs' you get no definitive answer!!
Maybe their little legs have trouble keeping up with themselves so they lift one to have one leg less to deal with.
Ive noticed it a lot with Jack Russells - and some other small breeds with short sturdy legs too.
I dont think it is just male dogs. My little female Jack Russell terrier used to scuttle along and every third or fourth step do a kind of hop skip and jump. I did not know at the time that most JRT's do it.
Mine does this also. I think its cos she has that luxating patella thing. She may have to have an operation :(
I wonder do small dogs realise that they are just that -small or when they see an alsation do they think they are that big also?
I wonder do small dogs realise that they are just that -small or when they see an alsation do they think they are that big also?

I think they just see themselves the same as anyone else, bigger dogs or humans - they are only interested in who is the dominant one, I know a Great Dane who gets pushed around by a Yorkie - the Yorkie was there first and when the Great Dane was a puppy the Yorkie asserted dominance and thats how its always been.
My terrier cross does the same thing, and when she's walking her body isn't in a straight line, kind of a curve. Our previuos jack russell had it too, quality dogs to have I reckon.