Why do some people think dancing is a compulsory part of parties


Registered User
I don't dance in public. I have two left feet. I am quite happy at parties and weddings to sit around chatting to people, enjoying a drink and a laugh and relaxing and watching the dancing. Hey, I will even keep an eye on people's drinks and handbags for them.

But there are always some people who think you cannot possibly be having a good time if you're not 'out dancing'. At every event you get these people going around dragging people up to dance, herding them out onto the dance floor, going out to the bar to catch anyone who might have sneaked out there to get away from them, and generally being a pain.

Why do people do this? It drives me mad. Grrrrrrr.
Probably because they are not totally at ease with it themselves and a crowd dancing feels better than dancing in front of a crowd.
C'mon Liaconn, it's a party . . . it is not abnormal to dance at such events and you don't have to dance if you so wish, but let others do what they like doing at parties.
C'mon Liaconn, it's a party . . . it is not abnormal to dance at such events and you don't have to dance if you so wish, but let others do what they like doing at parties.

Well, I think she is happy for people to do what they want, and for her to do what she wants, but not for people to start dragging her towards the dance floor, which is not what she wants!!!
Oh this is a major pet hate of mine. I was at a party recentely when a group of people kept dragging me onto the dance floor, it is so annoying.

Another annoyance at parties is people singing along to the music and making a habit of singing into your face.
Suppose it wouldn't be much of a party if nobody danced, but I agree that you should be left to do what you want and it is a annoying to have someone determine what's best for you anytime. We recently attended a neighbours 40th birthday. The DJ decided to call for 40 kisses from guests. I felt very uncomfortable with this as I suppose I felt it was a bit juvenile and it's not for me. Time and again other guests tried to persuade me to take part. I ended up leaving the function room and going to the hotel bar and having a pint on my own and watching 15mins of match of the day. Thankfully this part of the 40th was over when I returned and the missus understood my exit
I would be one that has to be dragged, but I see it for what it generally is; people with drink on board trying to have fun. It might be misjudged, but it's a pretty harmless thing to do.
Well, I think she is happy for people to do what they want, and for her to do what she wants, but not for people to start dragging her towards the dance floor, which is not what she wants!!!

Exactly truthseeker. I don't go out onto the dancefloor and start dragging people back to the table because 'hey, this is how I'm enjoying myself so that's what everyone else should be doing as well'.

I know it sounds trivial but I die with mortification on a dancefloor and someone constantly pestering me to get up and dance (Colin Firth excepted) just ruins the night for me.
most people who get up to dance are usually well pi**ed first! hence they cannot understand anyone not dancing...yeah they are a real pain but what can you do!
I know it sounds trivial but I die with mortification on a dancefloor and someone constantly pestering me to get up and dance (Colin Firth excepted) just ruins the night for me.

Oh yeah me too (same caveat re Colin Firth naturally), I hate it. Without going into too much detail Ive had multiple surgeries on one knee and there have been times where dancing is simply too painful or too risky (like a slippy dancefloor) for me and these fools dont want to take no for an answer. I used to smoke, and it was a handy habit for getting away from these eejits.
Bring back old time dancing I say... if everyone knew a few simple dances like the fox-trot / waltz etc., instead of having to make up their own shake-your-This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language version life would be much simpler!
The ceili stuff is good fun - simple, no great skill required, just a few people who know what they are doing - that said I havent been at a ceili since I were a lad int' gaeltacht. You do get a bit of Seige of Ennis/Walls of Limerick at the odd wedding and, apart from someone inevitably using it as an excuse to spin some old dear like it was a fairground g-force challenge, its a laugh.

Whoever thought of discos/niteclubs should be shot, total crap, no dancing worth talking about, too loud to talk to anyone .... ah yes, smug married is the life for me.... (yes, I could never dance, and/or was/still am too self-conscious to .... and I now fear I'm sounding like a curmudgeon... that's it, no more George Hook !!)
even using a word like curmudgeon means you're verging on grumpy old man territory!
Dancing has its purposes though
(http://www.sciencespin.com/magazine/archive/2007/01/dancing-a-good-way-to-get-a-mate-/); none of us would be here were it not for dancing... methinks the naysayers here are possibly not suitable for breeding...! If it was good enough to get us evolved to here, I say let the dancing continue

On a different note, if there's a poll for (Letting Off) "Steamer" of the year, Liaconn you've got my vote in the bag!

The reason I let off steam so much on here is because I'm soooo nice in real life.
[QUOTE methinks the naysayers here are possibly not suitable for breeding...! [/QUOTE]

Well I never..... in all my days.... :mad:

I've done my share of breeding thank you very much, about to come to a snippy end though ...