"Why aren't people rioting in the streets?"

The riots probably won't solve anything on their own. They may change the course of events, like what how the Greek Government are going to handle their crises, or even if the current Government stays in power. Their austerity measures may now concentrate on different areas.

Death and injury in any conflict is terrible, and I don't condone violence. I'm just pointing out the harsh realities of life and war.
A single person, earning €100k a year pays 39% their income in tax. Someone earning €50k pays less than 24%. So the guy who earns twice as much takes home 50% more. Where's the fairness in that?

Using any online tax calculator you'll find a single PAYE earner on 50k actually pays 27.86% in tax and the single PAYE earner on 100k pays 39.25%. So in this example the guy earning twice as much takes home 68.44% more. Maybe still not fair in your book but at least it doesn't look as unfair.
A general reading of the economic situation in Greece indicates that there was massive tax evasion, pay and conditions that could only be justified in a oil rich state, government corruption ( we are in the half penny place compared to the Greeks) no accountability of government agencies.
The EU can't continue to support a broken down economic system as there is in Greece or it will bring the whole Euro system down
Which bank was it that helped them cook the books to lie their way into the Euro?

I stand corrected but with marginal tax rates over 50% there is no incentive to work hard.
I stand corrected but with marginal tax rates over 50% there is no incentive to work hard.

I agree, I don't think the marginal tax rate should be above 50%. Most peoples incentive to work hard at the moment is probably motivated to keep their job or avoid a pay cut.
Their austerity measures may now concentrate on different areas.

No all it does is make the Greeks look even more stupid. Every aspect of expenditure needs to be reined in so burning innocent people in their place of work won't help one little bit. If they are killing people now imagine what the Greeks will be like when they actually have to pay tax!!!

Too right it's unfair. It shouldn't matter how much you earn, there should only be one tax rate. Proportionately you still end up paying more anyway, as 20% of 100k is more than 20% of 50k. Just remove all the ways the rich can avoid paying the 20% and then you have an equitable system. But I know lots of people will disagree with me there. These days there are more incentives to not working than there are incentives to working hard. But c'est la vie.
People tried to storm the Dail last night.... I guess this may be what the OP was alluding to in his original post....

I wonder what they would have done if they succeeded in getting in. Torn down the curtins? Raided the dail shop and bar?
People tried to storm the Dail last night.... I guess this may be what the OP was alluding to in his original post....

I wonder what they would have done if they succeeded in getting in. Torn down the curtins? Raided the dail shop and bar?

Not much else they could do. Chances of finding a politician to abuse working in the Dail these days is pretty slim. Are they not still on their Easter holidays or something!

With respect that is pure rubbish. I work in a job I quite like but if it were true that I would get paid more for not working that is what I would do. I am on the higher tax band and have no problem with that. I think the lower paid should pay less tax than I do. After all they pay the same for everything in the shops + the vat.

If you really do believe what you say then leave your job. There would be a whole lot of applicants for it.
People tried to storm the Dail last night

I heard Richard Boyd Barrett on Morning Ireland suggesting a crowd of at least 1000 people and possibly up to 2000. The Gardai estimate was 500.

Only a few are reported as having tried to get past the Gardai at the gates of Leinster House.

So if they had got through, then NAMA would have been abolished and the PS paycuts and levies reversed ? Is that how it works ?
It looked like Éirigí and the SWP were the ones trying to get in past the Gardaí. Judging by the flags in their hands anyway.
Heaven help us if that shower got there hands on power.

Agreed but what alternative have we really? FG and Lab are standing by for their shot at sitting back and fcuking up the country. People wont back SF because of their links. Who else will stand up and march through the Dáil?
What options are there?