Why are property Investment and tenants rights in the same forum?


Registered User
Why a single topic for both?

They are different yes?

Why are they lumped in together?
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There is often an overlapping of issues. What challenge is a single forum causing you that would justify separation?

Good question.

As Leo says, there is a lot of overlap.

RTB questions come up a lot. The experts on the forum can answer questions for either landlords or tenants.

It's probably a good idea for landlords to see things from the tenants' point of view and vice-versa.

Most of the questions do seem to come from landlords.

As a thought exercise, if we moved the tenants' rights questions to a separate forum, how would that improve things?

I don't see why landlords should be reluctant to ask questions in the forum - it's obvious that many are not reluctant.

If anything, tenants may see it as a landlord-oriented forum and so avoid it.

Just had a quick scan of the titles and there is only one question from a tenant in the first three pages.

Maybe a separate forum for tenants might encourage more questions from tenants, but then maybe tenants have enough sources of information anyway?

Maybe a separate forum for tenants might encourage more questions from tenants, but then maybe tenants have enough sources of information anyway?
My sense is tenants are more drawn to the likes of Threshold or other services that pay for prominent placement in Google searches.

Anyway, tenants' rights are a matter for both tenant's and landlords. No one should be investing in rental property without a good understanding of their obligations towards prospective tenants.