Why are commission free FX ads not banned?


Registered User
Just passed an An Post branch with big posters in their window advertising "commission free FX".

The advert is obviously beyond misleading. An Post charge very hight FX margin fees.

Who regulates this? Why are An Post allowed run such a misleading advertising scheme? How can we stop these type of ads?
I suppose you could lodge a complaint with the Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland.
Why are An Post allowed run such a misleading advertising scheme?

Hi Ciaran

I agree fully with you and this has annoyed me for some time.

But don't other banks do the same? "No commission when you change back foreign currency you have bought here" ?

I think so CiaranT.

I know the Central Bank has to approve charges imposed by Bureau de Change under the Consumer Credit Act but your compliant seems to go beyond the charges imposed.